What is the correct pathway of the sperm to the egg?

What is the correct pathway of the sperm to the egg?

The eggs released from the oviduct fuses with the sperms in the fallopian tube of the female reproductive system. The correct path of a sperm on its way to fertilize an egg is seminiferous tubule-epididymis-vas deferens-urethra-vagina-oviduct. Hence, the correct answer is option (D).

What are the four pathways for sperm?

The epididymis, vas deferens, ejaculatory ducts, and urethra form a four-part transportation system. The epididymis sits directly on top of each testis. Sperm from the testis mature as they move through the coiled duct of the epididymis.

What is Cowper’s gland?

Cowper’s glands are pea sized glands present inferior to the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. They produce thick clear mucus prior to ejaculation that drains into the spongy urethra.

What is ejaculatory duct?

Definition of ejaculatory duct : a duct through which semen is ejaculated specifically : either of the paired ducts in the human male that are formed by the junction of the duct from the seminal vesicle with the vas deferens and that pass through the prostate to empty into the urethra.

What is the function of epididymis?

The epididymis is a long, coiled tube that rests on the backside of each testicle. It carries and stores sperm cells that are created in the testes. It’s also the job of the epididymis to bring the sperm to maturity — the sperm that emerge from the testes are immature and incapable of fertilization.

What is epididymis function?

What is seminal colliculus?

The verumontanum or seminal colliculus is the rounded eminence of the urethral crest within the posterior wall of the mid prostatic urethra. The prostatic utricle opens into it in the midline and the two ejaculatory ducts open just distal to the utricle.

What happens if the epididymis is removed?

Your epididymis will be detached from the testicle, and part or all of your epididymis will be removed, causing irreversible damage to the passage of sperm from your testis and definitely will affect your fertility.

What does Cowper’s gland do?

What is the urethral crest?

Medical Definition of urethral crest : a narrow longitudinal fold or ridge along the posterior wall or floor of the female urethra or the prostatic portion of the male urethra.

What opens on the seminal colliculus?

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