What is the botanical name of karanj?

What is the botanical name of karanj?

Millettia pinnata
Pongame oiltree/Scientific names

What is the common name of Derris indica?

Millettia pinnata is a species of tree in the pea family, Fabaceae, native to eastern and tropical Asia, Australia and Pacific islands. It is often known by the synonym Pongamia pinnata as it was moved to the genus Millettia only recently. Common names include Indian beech and Pongam oiltree.

What is the uses of Pongamia?

Pongamia pinnata has been applied as crude drug for the treatment of tumors, piles, skin diseases, and ulcers (Rout et al., 2009; Pavithra et al., 2010). The root is effective for treating gonorrhea, cleaning gums, teeth, and ulcers, and is used in vaginal and skin diseases (Muthu et al., 2006).

What is the common name of Pongamia pinnata?

Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi

Family Name: Fabaceae (Leguminosae)
Synonyms: Cytisus pinnatus, Pongamia pinnata
Common Name: Seashore Mempari, Pongam, Indian Beech, Poonga Oil Tree, Karum Tree, 水黄皮, 番龙眼

What is honge tree?

Botanical name is Pongamia pinnata and belongs to Fabaceae (pea) family. Native of India and now is found throughout Asia. It is planted as a road side tree and grows very well in India. A very hardy deciduous tree, it tolerates cold and hot weather.

What does the name Derris mean?

New Latin, genus name, from Greek, skin, from derein to skin — more at tear entry 1.

What is Tubli plant?

Derris. Derris elliptica, commonly known as Tubli, Tibanglan, Tiba-lau, Malasiag, Bauit or Tugleng Pula, is a bushy leguminous vine usually found growing near river banks or streams. The dark-green compound leaves usually have 9-13 sword-shaped to oblong leaflets with pronounced pointed tips.

What is the meaning of Pongamia?

Noun. 1. Pongamia – one species: Indian beech. genus Pongamia. rosid dicot genus – a genus of dicotyledonous plants.

How do Pongamia trees grow?

Highest growth rates are observed on well drained soils with assured moisture. Natural reproduction is profuse by seed and common by root suckers. By their nature Pongamia trees grow vigorously under adverse conditions and can seed prolifically.

How can we identify Pongamia pinnata?

Pongamia pinnata is a legume tree with sees containing oils and fatty acids suitable for biodiesel production. It is a fast-growing evergreen tree which reaches 40 feet in height and spread, forming a broad, spreading canopy casting moderate shade.

What is the botanical name of Kashid?

Senna siamea, also known as Siamese cassia, kassod tree, cassod tree and cassia tree, is a legume in the subfamily Caesalpinioideae.

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