What is refreflexw?

What is refreflexw?

REFLEXW – the 2D processing and 2D/3D interpretation software for “GPR “reflection seismics “refraction seismics 1 Sandmeier Software 2004 -Dr. K.J. Sandmeier – Zipser Straße 1 – 76227 Karlsruhe – Germany -Tel.(49)721-491206 – Fax (49)721-4067994

What does reflexw do besides software development?

Besides the software developement our focus also lies on data processing. Our software Reflexw is one of the world’s most popular geophysical near surface processing and interpretation packages.

Where can I find Sandmeier software?

10 Sandmeier Software 2004 -Dr. K.J. Sandmeier – Zipser Straße 1 – 76227 Karlsruhe – Germany -Tel.(49)721-491206 – Fax (49)721-4067994 Refraction traveltime analysis

Does reflexw have a modular Char acter?

The program REFLEXW has a modular char acter, whereby you may concentrate on those modules which are relevant for your application. In the following we give you a short overview of some possible modular assembles for different applications. GROUND PENETRATING RADAR (GPR) analysis of 2D-lines:2D data-analysis

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