What is PII under California law?

What is PII under California law?

Personal Identity Information (PII), also known as P4 data, is a specific category of particularly sensitive data defined as: Unencrypted electronic information that includes an individual’s first name or initial, and last name, in combination with any one or more of the following: Social Security number (SSN).

What is personally identifiable information under CCPA?

Your social security number. Your driver’s license number, tax identification number, passport number, military identification number, or other unique identification number issued on a government document commonly used to identify a person’s identity.

What is the new California data privacy law?

The CCPA extended rights to California residents that went far beyond existing consumer privacy rights in the US: the right to know, the right to access, the right to delete, and a private right of action with statutory damages. The CPRA expands some of these rights and adds new ones.

What is the California Consumer Privacy Act 2020?

The Act, also known as 2020 California Proposition 24, expands existing data privacy laws by allowing consumers greater control of their personal data and establishing the California Privacy Protection Agency. It passed, with a majority of voters approving the measure.

What are PII examples?

Personal identification numbers: social security number (SSN), passport number, driver’s license number, taxpayer identification number, patient identification number, financial account number, or credit card number.

What is defined as personal information?

Broadly, the term refers to information that can be used to identify, locate, or contact an individual, alone or when combined with other personal or identifying information. Examples of personal information include an individual’s: Name. Home or other physical address.

What is PII as per GDPR?

GDPR PII Definition PII or Personal Identifiable Information is any data that can be used to clearly identify an individual.

What is CCPA and GDPR?

The CCPA protects consumers—natural persons who are California residents. The GDPR focuses on data subjects—any identifiable person residing in the E.U. who can be identified directly or indirectly. Both regulations have a global reach, though under slightly different circumstances.

What CCPA means?

the California Consumer Privacy Act
A: CCPA stands for the California Consumer Privacy Act. It is a new data privacy law that provides privacy rights to California residents.

Does California have strict privacy laws?

On Wednesday California adopted the strictest privacy law in the United States. A landmark privacy rights bill took effect Jan. 1, 2020 in California and will have broad implications for U.S. consumers and businesses.

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