What is Pfannenstiel skin incision?

What is Pfannenstiel skin incision?

The Pfannenstiel incision is a transverse skin incision, two finger-breadths above the symphysis pubis, which is extended in the direction of the anterior superior iliac spine (ASIS) and ends 2–3 cm medial to ASIS on both sides (4).

How long is Pfannenstiel incision?

The skin incision was placed about 3 cm below the line joining the anterior superior iliac spines and it was approximately 17 cm long (11). In the Pfannenstiel technique, the skin incision was placed about 2 cm above the symphysis with the mid-portion of the incision lying within the shaved area of the pubic hairs.

What type of incision is used for C-section?

A C-section includes an abdominal incision and a uterine incision. The abdominal incision is made first. It’s either a vertical incision between your navel and pubic hair (left) or, more commonly, a horizontal incision lower on your abdomen (right).

What vascular structures might be cut during Pfannenstiel incision?

The Pfannenstiel incision The fatty layer contains three sets of vessels that must be divided and tied; these are, from medial to lateral, the: • external pudendal • superficial inferior epigastric • superficial external iliac arteries, together with their veins.

What is a gridiron incision?

A gridiron incision involves an arcing incision through the skin, subcutaneous fat and fascia, external and internal obliques, transversus abdominis and transversalis fascia. It is commonly used for open appendicectomies.

What is Rutherford incision?

Rutherford Morison Incision 1). It can be made as a primary incision to provide good access to the right or left colon, retroperitoneum, major vessels (aorta, inferior vena cava and common iliac vessels) and bladder for renal transplantation, colonic resection, caecostomy or sigmoid colostomy.

What benefit does Pfannenstiel incision offer over a midline incision?

In conclusion, Pfannenstiel incision enhances postoperative recovery with minimal complications. It has an advantage over midline incision without compromising oncological outcomes. Pfannenstiel can be incision of choice for extra-corporeal diversion.

Why is Pfannenstiel incision?

The surgeon cuts on a generally horizontal (slightly curved) line just above the pubic symphysis. The skin and subcutaneous fat are lifted off the rectus muscle fascia, going towards the head. This allows access to the lower midline of the anterior abdominal wall fascia.

Why is Pfannenstiel incision convex?

During the operation, the obstetrician used a Pfannenstiel incision to open the abdomen. This incision involves making a transverse, slightly convex cut large enough to deliver a child at approximately the pubic hairline.

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