What is IPAF 3a & 3b?

What is IPAF 3a & 3b?

The IPAF 3a and 3b Training Course instructs an operator to prepare and operate various types of Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs) including cherry pickers, scissor lifts, and mobile booms such as articulated & electric boom lifts.

What are IPAF categories?

The IPAF training categories, with abbreviations and brief explanations, are:

  • Static Vertical (1a): Vertical personnel platforms (static)
  • Static Boom (1b, 1b+): Self-propelled booms (outriggers), trailers/push-arounds, vehicle-mounted platforms.

Does IPAF 3a and 3b cover 1b?

The IPAF 3b category covers the safe use of Mobile Boom machines (also known as cherry pickers), which are self-propelled booms and may be articulated. These are similar to the 1b in terms of how they can be manoeuvred vertically but you also have the ability to move the base unit while been elevated.

Does IPAF 3a cover 1a?

Yes, you need training, and there is a half-day course for this. If you have a valid licence with Static Vertical (1a) or Mobile Vertical (3a), you will only require familiarisation on the machine, which should be recorded in your IPAF log book.

Does IPAF 3A cover Pav?

Push Around Vertical (PAV) is now covered under the mobile scissor qualification (3A) or by the new individual PAV category. However, please note you cannot train on the PAV only category and be qualified to operate a 3A category machine.

Do you need IPAF for scissor lift?

IPAF stands for “International Powered Access Federation”. A PAL Card, IPAF Card, IPAF Licence or certificate is what you need to prove you have the right training and experience to use powered access equipment (eg. Cherry pickers or Scissor Lifts).

What is IPAF PAL?

A PAL Card is a Powered Access Licence for operating Mobile Elevating Work Platforms (MEWPs), Mast Climbing Work Platforms (MCWPs) or Construction Hoists (CHs). To qualify for a PAL Card, operators must complete an IPAF training course and pass a test at an IPAF-accredited training centre.

Is IPAF test hard?

Technically yes, IPAF don’t require you to have experience to complete the course. However it might make it more difficult for you. What happens if I fail? Based on IPAF’s instructions, you are able to retake the training and the test the following day after you fail.

Do you need IPAF for MEWP?

No, only the operator requires a licence.

Do I need an IPAF licence?

Do You NEED an IPAF Card? While it is not essential to hold an IPAF Card itself, it is a legal requirement to have training. Height workers will NEED to show that they have been trained appropriately. If they can’t show proof they won’t be allowed on the site.

What must Mewps be fitted with?

Spreader plates may be necessary – check the equipment manual. Guardrails: Make sure the work platform is fitted with effective guard rails and toe boards.

How long does IPAF last?

5 years
When you complete either IPAF or PASMA training, you’ll be issued with the appropriate card, showing the level of training completed as well as the expiry date. Both types of card are valid for 5 years, after which you will either need to take a refresher course or complete the full course again.

What is the IPAF EPAL?

The IPAF Digital PAL Card Licence Application (ePAL) is a mandatory item when making a booking, charged at £29.50 per delegate. HSS Training is an Approved Training Organisation (ATO) with CITB, allowing our customers to claim grants for completing training on our registered courses.

What is the IPAF PAL+ operator course?

This advanced IPAF Operator course with practical training sessions and assessment enables operators who hold existing PAL qualification (s) to demonstrate their ability to operate their specified card categories at an advanced level in order to receive the IPAF PAL+ Operator Licence.

What is the IPAF digital PAL card?

The IPAF Digital PAL Card Licence Application (ePAL) is a mandatory item when making a booking, charged at £29.50 per delegate. Be aware of the importance of attitude and behaviour to working at height. Be aware of the importance of checking a risk assessment against the actual site.

How do I get funding for ipipaf PAL+ training?

IPAF PAL+ training, like the PAL operator course, can be supported through the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) grant scheme. To qualify for grants, the employer must be registered with CITB-Construction Skills and have the required levy status.

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