What is close quarter distance?

What is close quarter distance?

In warfare, it usually consists of units or teams of varying size engaging the target or attacking personnel with personal weapons within a distance of up to 100 meters (110 yards), from proximity hand-to-hand combat to close-quarter target negotiation with usually automatic weapons.

How can you avoid a close quarter situation during your watch?

Slowing down is often the best way to avoid a close quarters situation. When officers hand over watch, the relieving officer must be briefed on course, speed, traffic, weather and dangers to navigation that could be expected.

What is risk of collision?

Risk of collision exists when two vessels are following courses that would take them to the same position in a few minutes. Risk of collision would NOT exist for two slow-moving vessels 16 miles apart heading for the same position.

Why are small alterations of course avoided?

The closer you are to the other vessel the greater the risk of collision and the more you will have to do to pass at a safe distance. Small alterations of course and speed are dangerous; they do not often solve the problem and they do not give the other vessel a clear indication of what you are doing.

What are the three principles of close quarter battle?

The Three Principles of CQB • Surprise. Speed. Violence of Action.

How do you relieve a navigation watch?

Prior to taking over the watch, relieving officers shall satisfy themselves as to the ships estimated or true position and confirm its intended track, course and speed and ums controls as appropriate and shall note any dangers to navigation expected to be encountered during their watch.

What action’s if any would you take to avoid a close quarters situation in reduced visibility?

Reduce speed to avoid a close quarters situation or collision. Reduce speed to allow more time to assess the situation. A power driven vessel should have the engine/propulsion ready for immediate manoeuvre. Action to avoid a collision.

What is Rule No 7?

(a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist.

What is Rule 8 all about?

Rule 8 – Action to Avoid Collision (a) Any action taken to avoid collision shall be taken in accordance with the Rules of this Part and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the observance of good seamanship.

What is close quarter situation in ROR?

Close quarter situation mean A situation at which vessels are dangerously approaching each other and the action of one vessel alone may not be enough to avoid Risk of collision.

How will you assess the vessel is in close quarter situation and risk of collision exists?

(d) A vessel which detects by radar alone the presence of another vessel shall determine if a close-quarters situation is developing and/or risk of collision exists.

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