What is a naive person?

What is a naive person?

: having or showing a lack of experience or knowledge : innocent or simple a naive belief that all people are good a naive view of the world See More Examples. He’s politically naive. = He’s naive about the nature of politics.

When a person is very naive?

having or showing unaffected simplicity of nature or absence of artificiality; unsophisticated; ingenuous. having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous: She’s so naive she believes everything she reads. He has a very naive attitude toward politics.

What’s an example of being naive?

The definition of naive is being immature, unaware or overly trusting. An example of naive is someone who believes that the moon is made of cheese because their mother said it was. I’ve always liked the naive way in which he ignores all the background detail.

Is naive and ignorant the same?

Meaning: Ignorant implies a lack of knowledge or awareness. Naive implies a lack of experience.

Can being naive be a good thing?

Being a little more naive in the way you look at the world can help you tremendously. Especially if you come from the past of extreme cynism or you tend to overanalyse and overthink everything. Not only will you be able to find more happiness within yourself, but you will also be a nicer person to spend time with.

What is the opposite of naive?

naiveadjective. inexperienced. Antonyms: urbane, polished, informed, refined, sophisticated, worldly, intelligent, blase, learned, svelte, conditioned, trained, experienced, well-informed, experient, worldly-wise.

What is another word for naive?

Some common synonyms of naive are artless, ingenuous, natural, and unsophisticated.

What is the difference between gullible and naive?

Naive is when an individual lacks the experience or judgment. Gullible is when an individual can be deceived easily. Just as a naive person, a gullible person also lacks judgment.

Can naive be intelligent?

Definitely yes. According to the theory of multiple intelligences, definitely yes. According to real-life experience, I’ve seen naive intelligent people teach themselves to be less naive.

Can you be wise and naive?

Anybody can have wisdom. A naive, ignorant and a stupid person can have wisdom like a clever, smart, and intelligent person can and as a matter of fact, everybody does.

How do I stop being so naive?

How To Stop Being Naive: 11 Highly Effective Tips

  1. Think before you speak or act.
  2. Don’t be afraid of sitting on the fence.
  3. Be over-cautious.
  4. Be more present.
  5. Listen attentively.
  6. Do the research.
  7. Continue to be trusting of other people.
  8. But learn to recognize when someone’s being dishonest.

What does it mean to be naive in a relationship?

Sometimes, people may be called naive if they believe that they can “fix” others by helping them, loving them, believing in them, etc. This is particularly common in romantic relationships. To become less naive, acknowledge that each person is responsible for his or her own behavior and actions.

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