What is a CSP rating?

What is a CSP rating?

A CSP rating is a standardized rating that allows you to visually determine the concrete surface roughness. A concrete surface profile, known as a CSP, is a standardized measure for the ‘roughness’ of a surface that is defined by the International Concrete Repair Institute (ICRI).

What is CSP 4 surface profile?

Industry guidelines for creating surface profiles For coating applications from 15–50 mils in thickness, the surface profile shall be a CSP 4 or 5. This is known as a medium shotblast. For coating applications from 40 mils to 1⁄8″ in thickness, the surface profile shall be a CSP 5 or 6.

How do you measure a concrete surface profile?

The surface profile of prepared concrete surfaces can be assessed qualitatively using ICRI Concrete Surface Profile (CSP) chips (with or without a replica disc created using a proprietary epoxy putty), and can be assessed quantitatively by using a specially designed micrometer that measures the peaks valleys of the …

How do you rough up smooth concrete?

Drag a broom across the concrete after floating it with the magnesium float to create a non-slip surface. Adjust the downward pressure to create the desired amount of texture. Dragging a broom across partially hardened concrete leaves a rough texture that gives better traction in slippery conditions (Photo 8).

What is shot blasting concrete?

Shot blasting concrete is a resurfacing process that uses metal beads “shot” out of a machine to “blast” away tough debris and contaminants. It’s a comparable method to sand blasting, but it provides a much more powerful clean due to the size and speed of the metal pellets.

How do you roughen concrete surfaces?

Shotblasting propels steel shot against the concrete surface by means of a wheel. The impacts of the shot pulverize concrete and contaminants and roughen the surface.

What is CSP flooring?

A Concrete Surface profile (or a CSP for short) is simply a standard measure used to determine the profile (some say roughness) of the surface of your concrete floor.

What is profiled concrete?

Mechanical scarifying, also known as profiling, is the perfect profiling technique for removing vegetable oils, sealers, petroleum-based products, and coatings from the surface of the concrete. It involves the use of grinding equipment to grind the concrete surface to achieve a rough concrete slab.

How can I make my concrete not slippery?

Best Solutions for Fixing Slippery Concrete

  1. You can apply slip resistant pads or grip tape to various areas of the concrete to help provide more slip resistance.
  2. You can apply slip resistant mats to high traffic areas to provide more slip resistance.

What is a scarifier concrete?

A concrete scarifier is a machine that uses spinning blades, attached to a rotating drum, to chip away at the top layer of a concrete surface. Scarifiers carve distinct lines in the concrete, making the surfaces especially useful for non-slip purposes.

What is the difference between sandblasting and shot blasting?

One of the primary differences between shot-blasting and sandblasting is the medium used. Shot-blasting uses abrasive “shot” made of metal such as aluminum oxide or carbon grit almost exclusively. Sandblasting can use metallic shot, but more often it uses gentler abrasives such as organic media or glass.

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