What does teleological theories focus on?

What does teleological theories focus on?

You will remember that teleological theories focus on the goal of the ethical action. If the outcomes of an action are considered to be positive, or to give rise to benefits, then that action is held to be morally right. Conversely, if the outcome causes harm, then the action is held to be morally wrong.

What is the teleological theory quizlet?

Teleological ethics look at the consequences or result of an action to determine whether it is right or wrong. When applied to ethics, deontological means that actions are right or wrong in themselves regardless of the consequences.

What does teleological Consequentialism mean quizlet?

Terms in this set (23) Teleological or Consequentialist Ethical Theory. A theory concerned to develop a practical method or process of reasoning to aid us in resolving moral problems.

Which theories focus primarily on duty or obligation quizlet?

Deontology focuses upon our duties. -Question Answered: Duty.

What is an example of a teleological theory?

From a teleological standpoint, stealing, for example, would be deemed right or wrong depending on the consequences. Suppose I were contemplating stealing a loaf of bread from the neighborhood grocery store. My motive alone would have nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of the act.

What is an example of teleological?

An explanation is said to be teleological when it resorts to notions such as ends, goals, purposes, or objectives (Rosenberg and McShea 2008). For instance, if we ask ourselves, “Why did John switch the TV on?” And we respond, “To watch his favorite program,” we are giving a teleological explanation.

Which answer explains an aspect of teleology quizlet?

Which answer explains an aspect of teleology? The goal of human beings is eudaimonia.

What is meant by the phrase teleological ethics?

teleological ethics, (teleological from Greek telos, “end”; logos, “science”), theory of morality that derives duty or moral obligation from what is good or desirable as an end to be achieved.

Which ethical theory focuses on the character of the agent quizlet?

Virtue ethics: Emphasis is on the character of the moral agent.

What are the 2 ethical theories?

There are two broad categories of ethical theories concerning the source of value: consquentialist and non-consequentialist.

What is a teleological approach?

It is a results-oriented approach that defines ethical behavior by good or bad consequences. Ethical decisions are those that create the greatest good. The most common teleology approach is utilitarianism, which stresses the greatest good for the greatest number of individuals.

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