What does map do OCaml?

What does map do OCaml?

Map creates a “mapping”. For instance, let’s say I have some data that is users and their associated passwords. I could with the Map module create a mapping from user names to their passwords. The mapping module not only does this but it does it fairly efficiently.

What is a list in OCaml?

A list is an ordered sequence of elements. All elements of a list in OCaml must be the same type. Lists are built into the language and have a special syntax.

What is cons in OCaml?

A good example is a traditional Lisp-style list type: a Lisp list is either nil (empty), or it is a cons, which is a pair consisting of some value (of any type) — traditionally called the car — representing the first element of the list, and another list — traditionally called the cdr — representing the rest of the …

How do I create an OCaml record?

A record represents a collection of values stored together as one, where each component is identified by a different field name. The basic syntax for a record type declaration is as follows: type = { : ; : ; } Note that record field names must start with a lowercase letter.

WHAT IS A in OCaml?

The type ‘a is a type variable, and stands for any given type. The reason why sort can apply to lists of any type is that the comparisons (=, <=, etc.) are polymorphic in OCaml: they operate between any two values of the same type. This makes sort itself polymorphic over all list types.

How do I run OCaml in terminal?

Starting OCaml

  1. In a terminal window, type utop to start the interactive OCaml session, commonly called the toplevel.
  2. Press Control-D to exit the toplevel. You can also enter #quit;; and press return. Note that you must type the # there: it is in addition to the # prompt you already see.

What is <> in OCaml?

Comparisons (Relational Operators) OCaml distinguishes between structural equality and physical equality (essentially equality of the address of an object). = is structural equality and == is physical equality. Beware: <> is structural not-equals while != is physical not-equals.

What is ACC in OCaml?

A simple example is using an accumulator to add up a list of integers. You could do this with a function like so: let rec sum xs acc = match xs with. | [] -> acc.

How do you mod OCaml?

Using the OCaml toplevel system….Basic Expressions and Types.

Operator Meaning
mod take two ints and return their integer remainder
>,>=,<,<= take two ints (or two floats) and return their comparison
= take two values and return whether they are equal
^ take two strings and return their concatenation into a new string

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