What does a D&B rating of 1R3 mean?

What does a D&B rating of 1R3 mean?

10 or more Employees
D&B Rating. 1R3. 1R indicates 10 or more Employees, Credit. appraisal of 3 is fair. D&B 3-month PAYDEX®

What does a 5a2 D&B rating mean?

5A = Financial Strength Indicator. 1 – Composite Credit Appraisal or Risk Indicator. Risk Indicator. – Range of 1 to 4 (1 – low risk; 4 – high risk) – 1 indicates a minimal risk and 4 indicates a significant level of risk.

Is Dun and Bradstreet accurate?

Yahoo Finance describes D&B as follows: “The Dun & Bradstreet Corporation provides commercial data, analytics, and insight on businesses or content worldwide. While this description would suggest that D&B has exceptionally accurate information, I can assure you it’s not 100 percent accurate.

What is a D& B report?

A D&B report compiles available business data to measure the creditworthiness of a company. D&B reports are like personal credit reports for businesses and are issued by the credit reporting agency Dun & Bradstreet.

Is Dun & Bradstreet reliable?

Dun & Bradstreet’s business credit reports are trusted by thousands of companies – from small businesses to large global enterprises – to help them find truth and meaning from data.

What does 2A3 mean on Dun and Bradstreet?

Dun & Bradstreet Rating Scale: Composite Credit Appraisal Suppose a company has a D&B Rating of 2A3. The 2A part of the Rating means that the company has a net worth of $750,000 to $999,999. A 3 rating signifies that transactions with the company pose a fair risk.

What is a 4A3 D&B rating?

D&B Credit Rating What is the D&B Credit Rating? The D&B Rating (e.g., 4A3) gives an indication of credit worthiness. The D&B Rating is normally divided into two parts: the financial strength code, then the risk indicator reflects the risk associated with the business.

What is the difference between 1R and 2R ratings?

In 1R and 2R Ratings, the 2, 3, or 4 creditworthiness indicators are based on analysis by D&B of public filings, trade payments, business age and other important factors. 2 is the highest Composite Credit Appraisal a company not supplying D&B with current financial information can receive.

How does Dun and Bradstreet rating work?

Dun and Bradstreet uses this financial information to produce a rating. These ratings are divided into two parts: a Rating Classification and the Composite Credit Appraisal. Businesses that have supplied current financial statements to Dun and Bradstreet are assigned a Rating Classification.

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