What district is TN 59?

What district is TN 59?

The Tamil Nadu Registration number TN-59 belongs to RTO Madurai (North) Office.

What is TN in number plate?

TN-24 District. TN RTO Govt Code Number List. Thiruvannamalai RTO. TN-25 District. Namakkal North RTO.

How can I check my vehicle registration details in Tamil Nadu?

Check vehicle details online, you can visit to vahan parivahan website https://vahan.nic.in/nrservices/faces/user/login.xhtml. Now select menu, click on know your vehicle details. and enter your mobile number. Enter vehicle number details and captcha code.

Where is DN number plate from?

RTO Code: India Vehicle Registration Number Plates

State or Union Territory RTO Code
Chandigarh CH
Daman and Diu DD
Delhi DL
Dadra and Nagar Haveli DN

Which district is sivaganga?

Sivaganga is the district headquarters. It is bounded by Pudukkottai district on the Northeast, Tiruchirapalli district on the North, Ramanathapuram district on South East, Virudhunagar district on South West and Madurai District on the West….Sivaganga district.

Sivagangai District சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம் Chettinadu

Which area is TN 01?

The Tamil Nadu Registration number TN 01 belongs to RTO Chennai (Central) Office.

What district is TN 58?

The Tamil Nadu TN58 Regional Transport Office (RTO) belongs to RTO Madurai(South) district.

What is DN registration?

DN-09 – Dadra And Nagar Haveli Vehicle Registration details with Address. The address of Dadra & Nagar Haveli Regional Transport Office in Dadra And Nagar Haveli which is indicated by registration plate DN-09 is here. You can contact the Dadra & Nagar Haveli RTO through the Phone Number or Email ID provided below.

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