What are the side effects of living near a cell tower?

What are the side effects of living near a cell tower?

Cancer is the last stage and before that, people living close to mobile phone towers have reported sleep disturbances, headaches, memory loss, lack of concentration, fatigue, joint pains, vision distortion, miscarriage, heart problems, etc.

Is it safe to live near cell tower?

Cell towers use similar radio-frequency radiation as cellphones (in the 1.8 to 5.0 GHz range). Studies done in several countries have reported elevated rates of cancer, especially leukemia, in residents living near to cell towers. Unfortunately cancer is not the only disease of concern.

How close is too close to cell tower?

In general, distances greater than 25 feet from the radiating beam of an antenna are far enough to prevent exposure to RF radiation exceeding safety standards.

Is radiation from cell phone towers harmful?

Based on the available scientific evidence, there are no health risks from exposure to the low levels of radiofrequency EMF which people are exposed to from cell phones, cell phone towers, antennas and 5G devices. Thousands of scientific studies have evaluated the safety of radiofrequency EMF.

Is mobile tower harmful for human health?

Electromagnetic field (EMF) signals emitted from mobile network towers do not cause any harm to health, experts said at a webinar held on Thursday.

Does cell phone towers affect health?

Cell phone towers are still relatively new, and many people are understandably concerned about whether the RF waves they give off might possibly have health effects. At this time, there’s no strong evidence that exposure to RF waves from cell phone towers causes any noticeable health effects.

Is mobile network tower harmful?

What are the symptoms of radiation poisoning?

These symptoms include loss of appetite, fatigue, fever, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and possibly even seizures and coma. This seriously ill stage may last from a few hours up to several months. People who receive a high radiation dose also can have skin damage.

What is a safe distance from a 4g cell tower?

Current studies suggest both short-term and long-term health risks within 300-400 meters of a cell tower. Thus, great precautions should be taken to site cell towers away from the most vulnerable segments of the population, such as children.” www.wireless-precaution.com/main/doc/CellPhoneTowerEffects.pdf and …

Do cell towers give off radiation?

The radiofrequency EMF given off by cell phones and cell phone towers are a type of non-ionizing radiation. It is similar to the type of energy used in AM/FM radio and TV broadcast signals.

Does mobile tower cause radiation?

JAIPUR: Contrary to popular fears that radiation from cell phone towers may be injurious to health, a senior DoT official on Tuesday said extensive research on electro-magnetic field signals has established that it does not cause any harm.

Do cell towers cause headaches and nausea?

Cell Tower Radiation Shown to Cause Headaches and Nausea. Three Dutch ministries recently conducted a study that found that the radiation from the next generation cell phone towers can cause headaches and nausea.

Are cell towers harmful to humans?

Cell Tower Radiation Shown to Cause Headaches and Nausea. The study used lower a dose of radiation than cell phones. Hand held phones emit stronger radiation when they are used, while cell towers transmit more constant levels of radio signals, exposing everyone within range.

Do cell phone towers emit radiation?

Cell Phone towers emit mass amounts of harmful RF (radio frequency) radiation also known as “microwave” radiation. If you have ever seen the huge size and quantity of power cables that run these towers you know that the amperage they use is significant as well.

How do cell phone towers work?

The widespread use of cell phones in recent decades has led to a large increase in the number of cell phone towers (also known as base stations) being placed in communities. These towers have electronic equipment and antennas that receive and transmit cell phone signals using radiofrequency (RF) waves.

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