What are the parts of Microsoft Excel 2007?

What are the parts of Microsoft Excel 2007?

Microsoft Office Button. Quick Access Toolbar. Formula Bar.

  • Expand Formula Bar. Insert Worksheet Button. Worksheet Navigation Tabs.
  • Normal View. Page Layout View. Page Break Preview.
  • Vertical Scroll Bar. Horizontal Scroll Bar. Zoom.
  • What are the parts of the Microsoft Excel?

    The following are the basic parts of the Microsoft Excel Window:

    • Quick Access Toolbar.
    • File Tab.
    • Title Bar.
    • Control Buttons.
    • Menu Bar.
    • Ribbon/Toolbar.
    • Dialog Box Launcher.
    • Name Box.

    What is Excel 2007 definition?

    Microsoft Excel is a software program produced by Microsoft that allows users to organize, format and calculate data with formulas using a spreadsheet system. This software is part of the Microsoft Office suite and is compatible with other applications in the Office suite.

    What are the 12 important parts of MS Excel window?

    The Excel window

    • Title bar. The title bar displays both the name of the application and the name of the spreadsheet.
    • Menu bar. The menu bar displays all of the menus available for use in Excel XP.
    • Column headings.
    • Row headings.
    • Name box.
    • Formula bar.
    • Cell.
    • Navigation buttons and sheet tabs.

    What is name box?

    Name Box is a tool that shows the active cell address. For example, if you have selected the cell C1, this name box will show the active cell address as C1.

    What are 3 parts of a formula in Excel?

    The parts of an Excel formula A formula can also contain any or all of the following: functions, references, operators, and constants.

    What are the features of Excel spreadsheet?

    Features of Microsoft Excel

    • Add Header and Footer. MS Excel allows us to keep the header and footer in our spreadsheet document.
    • Find and Replace Command.
    • Password Protection.
    • Data Filtering.
    • Data Sorting.
    • Built-in formulae.
    • Create different charts (Pivot Table Report)
    • Automatically edits the result.

    What are the 3 parts of a function in Excel?

    A function, and this is probably true in more places than Excel, will generally have these three parts:

    • a name, the name of the function,
    • arguments, which may be null, and some may be optional,
    • a return value – the value of the function.

    What are basics of Excel?

    Excel documents are called workbooks. Each workbook has sheets, typically called spreadsheets. You can add as many sheets as you want to a workbook, or you can create new workbooks to keep your data separate. Click File, and then click New.

    What are the parts of an Excel worksheet?

    An Excel worksheet is made up of columns and rows. Where these columns and rows intersect, they form little boxes called cells. The active cell—or the cell that can be acted upon—reveals a dark border. All other cells reveal a light gray border. Each cell has a name. Its name is comprised of two parts: the column letter and the row number.

    How is Excel 2007 different from other versions of Excel?

    However, the user interface for Excel 2007 is much different from that in earlier versions. In particular The File Menu is replaced with the Microsoft Office Button . This is used to open, save and print files.

    What is the user interface of Excel 2007 like?

    However, the user interface for Excel 2007 is much different from that in earlier versions. In particular The File Menu is replaced with the Microsoft Office Button. This is used to open, save and print files.

    What is a spreadsheet?

    Identifying Basic Parts of the Excel Window Microsoft Excel XP is a spreadsheet application in the Microsoft Office suite. A spreadsheet is an accounting program for the computer. Spreadsheets are primarily used to work with numbers and text.

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