What are the 3 endings of French infinitives?

What are the 3 endings of French infinitives?

In French, there are three main groups of infinitive endings:

  • -er such as manger (to eat).
  • -ir such as finir (to finish).
  • -re such as vendre (to sell)

How do you conjugate imparfait être?

To the stem, add the endings -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, and -aient. Listen carefully to the pronunciation of the verbs danser, finir and être in the imparfait tense. Note that -ais, -ais, -ait, and -aient are all pronounced alike….

verb present tense ‘nous’ form imparfait stem
être nous sommes ét-

What is the imparfait of pouvoir?

“Pouvoir” is a powerful verb….Conjugation of pouvoir (can)

Present Future Imperfect
Tu peux Tu pourras Tu pouvais
Il/elle/on peut Il/elle/on pourra Il/elle/on pouvait
Nous pouvons Nous pourrons Nous pouvions
Vous pouvez Vous pourrez Vous pouviez

What is the imparfait of Vouloir?

The conjugation of vouloir in the Imperfect Tense is relatively regular. All the forms share the common root voul—all you have to do is to attach the right ending (in blue in the table)….Conjugating Vouloir in the Present Tense.

Je veux
Tu veux
Il/Elle veut
Nous voulons
Vous voulez

What are the re endings in French?

Verbs ending in -re belong to the third conjugation and form their present tense stem by losing the -re from the infinitive. The present tense endings for -re verbs are: -s, -s, -, -ons, -ez, -ent.

What are the 3 different verb groups in French?

In French, verbs can be grouped into three different categories called groups.

  • FIRST GROUP: verbs whose INFINITIVE ends in -ER except ALLER.
  • SECOND GROUP: cthem ending in -IR (these verbs have the infinitive in -IR and the present participle in -ISSANT).
  • THIRD GROUP: All irregular verbs belong to this group.
  • Subgroup 1.

How is the imparfait formed?

L’imparfait (the imperfect) is a French past tense. It describes states and actions that were ongoing or repeated in the past. We conjugate the imperfect by adding the endings -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez and -aient to the root of the present tense nous form of the verb.

Does imparfait use être?

Conjugation of ÊTRE (to be) in L’Imparfait in French Note that être has an irregular stem – ét- – followed by the regular endings in L’Imparfait.

What is Pouvoir in the conditional?

Pouvoir in the Conditional In the conditional, pouvoir expresses a polite offer or request. Je pourrais vous y amener. In the past conditional, it means could/might have done, in terms of both ability and possibility. J’aurais pu vous y amener.

What does Devoir mean?

duty, responsibility
Definition of devoir 1 : duty, responsibility. 2 : a usually formal act of civility or respect.

Does Vouloir take avoir or être?

The French verb vouloir means “to want” or “to wish.” It is one of the 10 most common French verbs and you will use it just as much as avoir and être.

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