What are Baha is not allowed to do?

What are Baha is not allowed to do?

Baháʼís are forbidden to drink alcohol or to take drugs, except by a doctor’s order, because God has given human beings reason which is taken away by intoxicants that lead the mind astray. The non-medicinal use of opium and other mind-altering drugs is particularly condemned in the Baháʼí scriptures.

What do Baha mean?

splendor, glory
A male given name, an Arabic name meaning “splendor, glory.”

Do Baha’is believe in sin?

Baháʼís are meant to refrain from focusing on the sins of others, and are meant to have a “sin-covering eye”. Baháʼís are also forbidden to confess their sins to others in order to have their sins removed. Forgiveness is between a person and God alone, and is thus a very personal affair.

Do Baha’is believe in Muhammad?

Baháʼís believe in Muhammad as a prophet of God, and in the Qurʼan as the Prophet of God. Bahá’í teachings “affirm that Islam is a true religion revealed by Allah”; accordingly, members of the faith can give full assent to the traditional words of the Shahadah.

What do Baha’is believe about afterlife?

It states that Baháʼís believe in life after death, holding that the soul is created at the moment of conception and will retain its individuality in an eternal realm. The body, which is compared to the lamp holding the light of the soul during its time in this world, should be treated with dignity.

Do Bahai believe in Allah?

Yes, Baha’is believe in Allah (God). In the Islamic Hadiths we read: “No one of you is a believer until he desires for his brother that which he desires for himself.”

Does Bahai believe in God?

The Baha’i Faith is strictly monotheistic. There is only one God, he is exalted above human understanding, so can only be understood and approached via his prophets and messengers (the ‘Manifestations of God’).

What does Bahai say about Jesus?

Baha’is believe in the divinity of Jesus and his station as the Son of God. Baha’is celebrate Jesus as the Messenger of God and see Baha’u’llah, the Founder of the Baha’i Faith, as symbolically the Return of Christ in the Glory of the Father, as promised by Jesus and by many passages in the Hebrew Bible as well.

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