Is it correct to say themself?

Is it correct to say themself?

Recommendations. 1. Use themselves as the reflexive/intensive pronoun to refer to an indefinite gender-neutral noun or pronoun that is the subject of the sentence and avoid themself.

Is it themself or themselves for singular they?

Both “themselves” and “themself” are acceptable as reflexive singular pronouns; however, “themselves” is currently the more common usage….Forms of the singular “they”

Form Example
themselves (or themself) A private person usually keeps to themselves [or themself].

Is themself a singular pronoun?

The singular pronoun themself has become a common word to make the plural pronouns them and they sound singular. For example, see how themself is used in the following sentences. A person should help themself before helping others.

Is it themself or theirself?

Theirself is used in instances when the gender of the subject is unknown or when the subject has a gender identity other than male or female, such as nonbinary. The singular, gender-neutral pronoun themself is synonymous with theirself. Example: Anyone who says they aren’t scared of the dark is kidding theirself.

Is themself a plural?

Comparing ‘Yourself’ and ‘Themself’ It’s not unheard of for English to have a pronoun that is both singular and plural: that’s how we use the pronoun you. Themself (like yourself) may be used to signal the singular antecedent (though some people will prefer themselves) {they blamed themself [or themselves]}.

What is plural form of themself?

The standard reflexive pronoun form which corresponds to the plural forms they and them is themselves: I just showed the boys the refrigerator and told them to help themselves.

When did themself become a word?

But if you’d been typing in the late 1300s, themself would have been the default: it was the only version around until the mid-1400s. The earliest evidence of themselves referring to plural they or them is from 1466, and the earliest evidence of themselves referring to singular they or them is from 1529.

What does theirselves mean in English?

a reflexive form of plural they used as the direct or indirect object of a verb or the object of a preposition: They washed themselves quickly. The painters gave themselves a week to finish the work. The noisy passengers drew attention to themselves.

Is it singular or plural?

One common bugbear of the grammatical stickler is the singular they. For those who haven’t kept up, the complaint is this: the use of they as a gender-neutral pronoun (as in, “Ask each of the students what they want for lunch.”) is ungrammatical because they is a plural pronoun.

What is the meaning of themself in English?

nonstandard. : themselves —now used chiefly in place of “himself or herself” as a gender-neutral reflexive form of they when the reference is to a single person (as in “each person can decide for themself”)

What kind of pronoun is themself?

reflexive pronoun
Themself is a reflexive pronoun, being a reflexive form of they.

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