How much does it cost to upgrade healer to level 4?

How much does it cost to upgrade healer to level 4?

Training Time of Healers

Level Healing per Second Research Cost
3 60 900,000
4 66 2,700,000
5 72 6,000,000
6 72 13,000,000

Does queen walk use 4 or 5 healers?

Either 4 or 5 healers can be used for a Queen Walk, although at TH10 and above it is best to use 5 due to the greater risk of Seeking Air Mines taking out a healer or two.

Is healer good clash of clans?

Stats. The Healer is a flying unit. She is the only troop with no attacking/offensive capability, but can heal any ground Troops, except when she is defending as a Clan Castle troop (in which case she heals injured Clan Castle Troops and heroes).

What is the max level of healer in th8?

The max level of Barbarians, Archers, Giants, Goblins, Wall Breakers, Wizards, and Balloons is 5….Max Levels of Elixir Troops in TH8.

Elixir Troop Max Level
Pekka 3
Healer 3

Does healing spell work on dragons?

Yes, while a healer will only heal ground units, heal spells will effect both flying and ground units provided they are not being damaged by an inferno tower as infernos towers block healing effects. It should heal your dragon even if something is attacking him.

Do Healers heal dragons?

Healer Explained Healer is an air unit with moderate health capable of healing other troops. Her ability to heal affects a small area (1.5 tiles), making “heal splash” to all troops in this area. She can only heal other ground units, so she will not heal Dragons, Lava Hounds, Balloons, or any other air unit.

Did Healers get nerfed COC?

Storages Increased! Healers nerfed! If you see Galadon’s most recent video, he has 500k more storage space for Gold and elixir storages.

Did healers get nerfed COC?

Can healers heal dragons?

What does the healer look like at different levels?

The Healer undergoes significant visual changes at all levels except levels 2 and 6. Initially, the Healer has long, white angelic wings with short, white hair. She wears a golden dress that ends in 4 long pieces. Her dress has a white 4 sided star.

What changes have been made to the healer?

The Healer now has an upgrade difference at level 3. Healers can be deployed near obstacles . Added the level 4 Healer. Decreased Healer’s housing space requirement from 20 – 14. Decreased training time from 20m to 15m. Decreased training cost at all levels. Increased hitpoints and heal of Healer (levels 3 and 4).

What is the maximum amount of healing a healer can do?

As a result of the diminishing effects of additional Healers, the maximum possible healing per second on any troop (barring the use of Rage Spells) is exactly 5 times that of a single Healer’s healing per second. For max-level Healers this is equal to 360 HPS, or 280 HPS on heroes.

How do you use the healer in Warzone?

The Healer is a flying unit that is unlocked at Barracks level 8, which requires Town Hall level 6. She is the only troop with no attacking capabilities, but can heal any ground troops. When the Healer is deployed, a pulsating circular aura appears around her. She will heal the closest unit or Hero to her, regardless of how damaged they are.

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