How much do white German Shepherd puppies cost?

How much do white German Shepherd puppies cost?

The cost of German Shepherd puppy is, on average, between $1,000 and $1,500. Generally, you can expect to pay towards the higher end of the scale for White German Shepherd puppies as they are rarer. These uniquely colored pups cost upwards of $1000.

Are white German Shepherd rare?

What is this? White German Shepherds are rarer than the colored variety as only two white German Shepherds are guaranteed to produce all-white puppies. However, they are not too rare, and if two non-whites both have the white recessive gene, a small percentage of the litter may be white.

Are white German shepherds deaf?

They Are Not More Likely to Be Deaf Dogs with the piebald gene (that are often white or lighter in color) can be more likely to be deaf, like the Dalmatian, but the white german shepherd does not carry this gene so they are no more likely to have hearing problems than any other german shepherd.

Is there a pure white German Shepherd?

The White German Shepherd is genetically no different than a standard German Shepherd, although it does have a fluffy white coat. This is because the White German Shepherd carries the recessive white furred gene, which is just the same as some humans carrying the recessive blonde haired gene.

Which Colour is rare in German Shepherd?

The rarest color of German Shepherd is the isabella due to the recessive combination of liver and blue.

Are White German Shepherd albino?

White German Shepherds (or American White Shepherds) are not albino German Shepherds. What is this? Albino German Shepherds are extremely rare, and they have pink or blue eyes, a pink nose, and pink skin, including the area around their eyes.

Does AKC recognize White German Shepherds?

The white coat color is considered grounds for disqualification, according to the AKC breed standard. However, according to the AKC, dogs of a disqualifying color may still be registered as long as both parents are registered.

What color German Shepherd is the most expensive?

The rarest color of German Shepherd is the isabella due to the recessive combination of liver and blue. You will have to search for a long time to get such a puppy – and his price will likely be high as well!

Which German Shepherd coat is best?

A double coat with medium length is considered the most desirable. This type of coat may be fairly wiry, depending on the dog. A shorter coat is sometimes considered acceptable by breed standard.

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