How do you soften parsley?

How do you soften parsley?

You can spin it in a salad spinner if you have one, and if not let it air dry on the counter on a towel. Then bundle the parsley in a dry towel in a plastic bag and refrigerate, ideally overnight so it’s crisp and plump.

How long does tabbouleh last in the fridge?

If you have the time, let the salad rest for 15 minutes before serving to let the flavors mingle. Otherwise, you can serve it immediately or chill it for later. Tabbouleh will keep well in the refrigerator, covered, for up to 4 days.

How do you cut parsley without killing the plant?

Once plants are large enough, you can simply cut or break off outer stems as needed. Leave the inner stems and leaves to keep growing. It’s a good rule of thumb to always leave ½ – ⅔ of the plant intact when harvesting. Any time you pick parsley, you’ll want to pick the stems at their base.

How do you cut fresh parsley?


  1. Wash your bunch of parsley in clean, cold water.
  2. Dry your parsley.
  3. Pick the parsley leaves off of the stems.
  4. Bunch the parsley together into a small mound.
  5. Pick up a sharp kitchen knife in your dominant hand.
  6. Slice through the parsley.
  7. Rock the knife back and forth to cut the parsley more finely.

What can I do with all my parsley?

Put chopped parsley on everything: Don’t chop it too finely — bigger pieces are prettier and have more flavor. Throw it with abandon on top of grilled vegetables, roasted potatoes, a cold green-bean salad, stews, soups, pasta, hot or cold grain dishes like couscous or quinoa or tabbouleh or … 2.

How do you cut parsley?

Just as with other herbs, parsley likes to be snipped, which encourages additional growth. Bunch the stems and leaves together and snip them off at ground level with kitchen shears. You can also just take a sprig or two starting with the outside stalks first. Be sure to cut at ground level though.

Can you chop parsley ahead of time?

To prepare a large amount of herbs in advance with little loss of flavor, chop them no more than 24 hours ahead. Place the chopped herbs in an airtight container, cover with a damp paper towel, seal the lid and store in the refrigerator.

Can I freeze tabbouleh?

How long does leftover tabouli salad last? Leftover tabouli can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days. Due to the high water content in cucumbers, and the fresh tomatoes, and herbs this salad cannot be frozen.

What country does tabbouleh come from?


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