How do you add a comma to a string?

How do you add a comma to a string?

is their a way of getting the output to stop adding comma at the end of string, if its last word. Thank you for your help….User647458646 posted.

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What is comma format?

Comma style format is also referred to as thousands separator. Comma style is a type of number format where it adds commas to large numbers, adds two decimal places (i.e. 1000 becomes 1,000.00), displays negative values in closed parentheses & represents zeros with a dash (–).

How do you format Java?

The format() method of java language is like sprintf() function in c language and printf() method of java language….Java String Format Specifiers.

Format Specifier Data Type Output
%n none Platform-specific line separator.
%o integer (incl. byte, short, int, long, bigint) Octal number
%s any type String value

How do you round in C#?

For example, you can use the Round(Double) method to round a value of 3.4 to 3.0, and the Round(Double, Int32) method to round a value of 3.579 to 3.58….Rounding to nearest even, or banker’s rounding.

Overload Rounding convention
Round(Double, Int32) ToEven
Round(Decimal, MidpointRounding) Determined by mode parameter.

What is the function of comma style and Accounting number format option in the number group?

Answer: The Comma Style format (also known as the thousands separator) in Excel 2010 often accompanies the Accounting number format. Like the Accounting format, the Comma format inserts commas in larger numbers to separate thousands, hundred thousands, millions, and . . . well, you get the idea.

What does %f do in Java?

Format Specifiers in Java

Format Specifier Conversion Applied
%f Decimal floating-point
%e %E Scientific notation
%g Causes Formatter to use either %f or %e, whichever is shorter
%h %H Hash code of the argument

How do you divide in Java?

To divide in Java, we use the forward slash (/).

  1. int a = 25;
  2. int b = 5;
  3. int c = a / b;
  4. System. out. println(c);

How do you round doubles in C#?

“rounding double value in c#” Code Answer

  1. double number = 1.5362.
  2. int rounded = Math. Round(number)
  3. //rounds number to 2.
  4. double rounded_2 = Math. Round(number, 2)
  5. //rounds number to 1.54.

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