How big is Rasalhague?

How big is Rasalhague?

around 2.6 solar radii
It has an apparent magnitude of 2.07, and thus it is visible to the naked eye. The primary star, designated as Alpha Ophiuchi A, has around 2.4 solar masses, or 240% of our Sun’s mass, and around 2.6 solar radii, or 260% of our Sun’s radius. Thus, Rasalhague is at least five times bigger than our Sun.

What kind of star is Rasalhague?

Alpha Ophiuchi (α Ophiuchi, abbreviated Alpha Oph, α Oph), also named Rasalhague /ˈræsəlheɪɡ/, is a binary star and the brightest star in the constellation of Ophiuchus….Alpha Ophiuchi.

Observation data Epoch J2000 Equinox J2000
Declination +12° 33′ 36.1346″
Apparent magnitude (V) 2.07
Spectral type A5 III / K5–7 V

What color is Rasalhague?

Based on the spectral type (A5III) of the star, the Rasalhague colour is blue – white . Rasalhague is the 56th brightest star in the night sky and is the brightest star in Ophiuchus based on the Hipparcos 2007 apparent magnitude.

How far is Rasalhague from Earth?

48.6 light years
Alpha Ophiuchi/Distance to Earth

Rasalhague, Alpha Ophiuchi (α Oph), is a binary star system located in the constellation Ophiuchus. It marks the head of the celestial Serpent Bearer. With an apparent magnitude of 2.07, it is the brightest point of light in the constellation. It lies at a distance of 48.6 light years from Earth.

Is Shaula a red giant?

With an apparent magnitude of 1.62, it is the second brightest star in Scorpius, fainter only than the red supergiant Antares. Shaula is the 24th brightest star in the sky….Shaula – Lambda Scorpii.

Spectral class B2IV + DA7.9
B-V colour index -0.240
Apparent magnitude 1.62 (λ Sco A) / 14.9 (λ Sco B) / 12.0 (λ Sco C)
Absolute magnitude -3.70

How bright is Rasalhague?

Alpha Ophiuchi/Magnitude

Are there any planets around Barnard’s star?

Therefore, it appears that Barnard’s Star indeed does not host Earth-mass planets, or larger, in hot and temperate orbits, unlike other M-dwarf stars that commonly have these type of planets in close-in orbits.

How fast does Barnard’s star move?

10.3 arcseconds per year
Relative to other stars, Barnard’s Star moves 10.3 arcseconds per year, or about the width of a full moon in 174 years. This might not seem like much. But – to astronomers – Barnard’s Star is virtually zipping across the sky.

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