What does lines do in Haskell?

What does lines do in Haskell? The lines function breaks a stream of characters into a list of strings at newline characters. The resulting strings do not contain newlines. How do I print a new line in Haskell? To create a string containing a newline, just write “\n” . If you run your program on […]

What is the tuning for half step down?

What is the tuning for half step down? Thankfully, tuning a half step down is a very simple process. All you need to do is tune each string down a semitone. So instead of tuning to E/A/D/G/B/E, you would tune to Eb/Ab/Db/Gb/Bb/Eb. Since the flat of one note is the same as the sharp of […]

What is a contract between employer and employee?

What is a contract between employer and employee? A contract of employment is an agreement between an employer and an employee which sets out their employment rights, responsibilities and duties. These are called the ‘terms’ of the contract. What is a contract of employment in South Africa? The contract of employment is the foundation of […]

Are star trackers worth it?

Are star trackers worth it? Regardless of your experience with night photography and astrophotography, star tracking is definitely something worth giving a try. The amount of detail that you’re able to retain when shooting star tracked photos is amazing. How does a star tracker for a DSLR camera work? A star tracker, the Sky-Watcher Star […]

What incoterm is CIP?

What incoterm is CIP? Carriage and Insurance Paid To In Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP), the seller assumes all risk until the goods are delivered to the first carrier at the place of shipment—not the place of destination. What are the 7 Incoterms 2010 rules that apply for any type of transportation? Classification of […]

Who is a famous female serial killer?

Who is a famous female serial killer? The 13 Most Famous Female Serial Killers Of All Time Aileen Wuornos. Lizzie Borden. Belle Gunness. Myra Hindley. Jane Toppan. Juana Barraza. Rosemary West. Amelia Dyer. How many females were serial killers? Vronsky cites statistics indicating that nearly one in six (16 percent) of serial killers apprehended in […]

What are some examples of copyright infringement?

What are some examples of copyright infringement? What Is Copyright Infringement? Recording a film in a movie theater. Posting a video on your company’s website which features copyrighted words or songs. Using copyrighted images on your company’s website. Using a musical group’s copyrighted songs on your company’s website. How do I sue for copyright infringement […]

What is local media in business?

What is local media in business? Dictionary of Marketing Terms for: local media. local media. media vehicles, such as newspapers, radio stations, television stations, and cable stations, that function primarily to serve the communications needs of the communities or metropolitan areas in which they are located. What are some examples of local media? Examples of […]

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