What are the 7 spiritual works of mercy?

What are the 7 spiritual works of mercy? Spiritual works of mercy To instruct the ignorant. To counsel the doubtful. To admonish the sinners. To bear patiently those who wrong us. To forgive offenses. To comfort the afflicted. To pray for the living and the dead. What is the meaning of Psalm 32? Psalm 32 […]

What is equity and inclusion?

What is equity and inclusion? Equity refers to the fair and respectful treatment of all people. Inclusion means that all individuals feel respected, accepted and valued. How can you promote equality diversity and inclusion in the classroom? This means: Setting clear rules in regards to how people should be treated. Challenging any negative attitudes. Treating […]

Does diffusing peppermint oil keep spiders away?

Does diffusing peppermint oil keep spiders away? There’s not much scientific research proving that peppermint oil repels or kills spiders. It’s unclear why spiders steer clear of peppermint oil and other essential oils. One theory is that they dislike strong odors. Because spiders smell and taste with their legs, they may avoid crawling through fragrant […]

What causes pestilence?

What causes pestilence? Plague is an infectious disease caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis. These bacteria are found mainly in rodents, particularly rats, and in the fleas that feed on them. Other animals and humans usually contract the bacteria from rodent or flea bites. Did Black Death come from China? Where did the Black Death […]

What are some opportunities for growth?

What are some opportunities for growth? The 4 Types of Growth Opportunities Financial Growth. This is the one most people consider when they think about career development. Career Growth. Don’t underestimate the power of prestige. Professional Growth. If they’re serious about their work, employees will want to improve in their field. Personal Growth. What is […]

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