Can a lawyer represent both parties?

Can a lawyer represent both parties? However, one attorney cannot represent both parties. An attorney is ethically prohibited from representing two people with conflicting interests who are in a dispute. The parties can attempt mediation without the use of attorneys, but the mediator cannot give legal advice to either party. Should a divorcing couple use […]

What are the 9 sectors of maritime industry?

What are the 9 sectors of maritime industry? Leaving aside its historical evolution and current structure in geographical clusters with homogeneity and linkages amongst its constituents, the maritime sector is composed of organizations and activities such as maritime transportation, the naval industry (naval engineering and shipbuilding companies, and the … How many people died in […]

Can you claim someone on SSI?

Can you claim someone on SSI? Social security income is support provided by the individual, and government assistance, like SSI, is support that comes from a third party. This means it doesn’t come from you . So, if most of their support comes from government assistance, you won’t be able to claim them as dependents. […]

What are the main elements of a fairy tale?

What are the main elements of a fairy tale? Include fantasy, supernatural or make-believe aspects. Typically incorporate clearly defined good characters and evil characters. Involves magic elements, which may be magical people, animals, or objects. Magic may be postive or negative. Does a fairy tale have to have a happy ending? When a story is […]

What is the best fertilizer for lime trees?

What is the best fertilizer for lime trees? Chemical fertilizers for citrus contain nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in varying percentages. For instance, an 8-8-8 food is good for young limes that are not yet bearing but a mature fruit bearer will need more nitrogen so switch to a 12-0-12 formula. When should you not fertilize […]

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