What do u mean by message?

What do u mean by message? A message is a discrete unit of communication intended by the source for consumption by some recipient or group of recipients. A message may be delivered by various means, including courier, telegraphy, carrier pigeon and electronic bus. An interactive exchange of messages forms a conversation. What message does the […]

Why condoms are so important?

Why condoms are so important? It is also important to reduce your risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), including HIV. Condoms are the only birth control that reduces your risk of both pregnancy and STDs, including HIV. But, in order to work, condoms must be used correctly and must be used every time you […]

Why is my Word document pages side by side?

Why is my Word document pages side by side? In the “Zoom” section, click “Multiple Pages.” By default, two pages are shown side-by-side. The pages are shrunk so the full pages can be viewed. This is why viewing multiple pages at once is good for reviewing your layout, but not necessarily for reading your document. […]

Can my boyfriend get me birth control?

Can my boyfriend get me birth control? Can my boyfriend, or someone else besides myself get me a prescription for the birth control? Prescription birth control is available by prescription only, so that means you have to personally go to a health care provider to get it — no one else can get it for […]

Do doctors give out condoms?

Do doctors give out condoms? You can get condoms from drugstores, Planned Parenthood health centers, community health centers, doctor’s offices, supermarkets, convenience stores, online, and even from vending machines. You don’t need a prescription and there are no age restrictions — anybody can buy condoms. Why do guys flush condoms? If your plumbing is working […]

Why did slim drown the puppies?

Why did slim drown the puppies? Carlson asks about Slim’s dog, which has just given birth to nine puppies. Slim reports that he drowned four of the puppies immediately because their mother would have been unable to feed them. Carlson suggests that they convince Candy to shoot his old, worthless mutt and raise one of […]

What is direct and indirect learning?

What is direct and indirect learning? Direct learning is independent learning that people pursue on their own. Indirect learning is forced on the learner by others, such as parents or teachers. Indirect learning is a voluntary action taken by the learner with the intention of becoming a productive member of society. What are direct and […]

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