Why serializable is used in Java?

Why serializable is used in Java? Serialization in Java allows us to convert an Object to stream that we can send over the network or save it as file or store in DB for later usage. Deserialization is the process of converting Object stream to actual Java Object to be used in our program. Why […]

Who said everything relative?

Who said everything relative? Leon Trotsky What is linear concept of time? Time is linear because of the different and cumulative ways we can record and measure it. We can also measure time by counting the number of times the Earth goes around The Sun, just as humans have done for thousands of years. If […]

What are good open-ended questions?

What are good open-ended questions? Open-ended questions list Why do you like the bands/performers that you like? What was your worst travel experience? What was the most important chance encounter you’ve had? What is the process for making your favorite dish? What is a good life? How did going to school shape you as a […]

What defines a good movie?

What defines a good movie? Definition of a good film: a skillfully made (writing, cinematography, editing, sound), well acted, cohesive and internally consistent story that has the ability to elicit emotion, set mood and guide a reaction. How can we learn from films? Check out these important life lessons we learned from the movies. Empathise. […]

How do minds work?

How do minds work? How the Mind Works is a 1997 book by the Canadian-American cognitive scientist Steven Pinker, in which the author attempts to explain some of the human mind’s poorly understood functions and quirks in evolutionary terms. How can I widen my mind? How-to: Broaden your mind and ‘think bigger’ Take ten minutes […]

Is one year work experience enough?

Is one year work experience enough? According to a survey by job site TalentWorks, even one year may not be enough. In fact, the survey found that experienced candidates who leave a company within the first 15 months are dinged much more heavily during the job search. Is 2 months notice too long? It’s common […]

When Should quantitative research be used?

When Should quantitative research be used? Quantitative Research is used to quantify the problem by way of generating numerical data or data that can be transformed into usable statistics. It is used to quantify attitudes, opinions, behaviors, and other defined variables – and generalize results from a larger sample population. Which of the following is […]

Why talents and skills are important?

Why talents and skills are important? Your innate abilities or aptitudes make you stand apart from others by making more effective and more successful and happy. They will also help you uncover the important objectives of life while making you feel victorious in all the affairs of your daily life that you deal with. What […]

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