How do you calculate berth moves per hour?

How do you calculate berth moves per hour?

Gross moves per hour for a single vessel call is defined as the total container moves (onload, offload and repositioning) divided by the number of hours for which the vessel is at berth.

What is ship turnaround time?

In ocean shipping, the time that is taken between the arrival of a vessel and its departure is referred to as the turnaround time. The vessel turnaround time is used to measure the efficiency of port operations.

How do you calculate berth productivity?

The Gross Berth Output shall be calculated as the total cargo handled (either loaded/unloaded) from the ship during a month divided by the time spent by the ship at the terminal number of working days of ships in that month at that terminal.

What is vessel productivity?

A clear and quantified understanding of the productivity (defined as the ratio of output to input) of each alternative can therefore be an important tool for optimizing the allocation of resources. Increasingly, however, ship productivity has also been accepted as a measure of maritime performance.

What is berth occupancy?

Berth occupancy is the ratio of time the berth is occupied by a vessel to the total time available in that period.

How is port capacity measured?

Figure 7 shows the average capacity of containerships that called at the top 25 container ports in 2015. Averages were calculated by dividing the total capacity (as measured in TEU) for all annual container vessel calls by the number of annual calls.

Does turnaround time include shipping?

| Q | Does turnaround time including shipping time? No. Turnaround time refers to our production turnaround time, which does not include shipping time. In addition, turnaround time for your print job begins calculating once your order has been placed and your print-ready files have been uploaded, attached and approved.

What is tat in port?

An important objective of Cochin port is to improve its throughput i.e. to minimize the vessel turnaround time (TAT). Turnaround time depends on the effective scheduling and allocation of key resources like yard cranes, quay cranes berths and trucks.

Why do ports measure performance?

Performance measurement is important for better efficiency and effective management of the Organization. The port performance thus requires a set of measures related to vessels stay at port, rate of loading/unloading the cargo and quality storage/inland transport.

How is port efficiency calculated?

Dimensions of Port Efficiency Indicators traditionally used to measure terminal operations efficiency (productivity) include berth occupancy, revenue per ton of cargo, capital equipment expenditure per ton of cargo, turnaround time, and the number of gangs employed to facilitate cargo operations.

How productivity are measure on ports?

The term port productivity is defined as the total traffic/cargo handled per annum expressed in million tons per annum (MTPA), both import and export. There exists a strong interrelationship between port productivity and various port performance indicators. The port productivity is thus a function of its performance.

How do you calculate berth occupancy rate?

The berth occupancy factor (BOF) is the time that a berth is utilised, divided by the total available time.

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