What are the 3 older charges brought against Socrates?

What are the 3 older charges brought against Socrates?

From them, we know that Socrates was accused of impiety against the traditional Greek religion, of acting (as a member of the Popular Assembly) against the will of the people, of speaking against the democratic idea of elections, and of corrupting the young to his own beliefs.

What penalty does Socrates suggest in the apology?

The accusers of Socrates proposed the punishment of death. In proposing death, the accusers might well have expected to counter with a proposal for exile–a punishment that probably would have satisfied both them and the jury.

What did Socrates say about his charges?

Socrates now turns from his old accusers to his new ones, those who have brought him to trial. Socrates reminds the court that they accuse him of corrupting the minds of the young and of believing in supernatural phenomena of his own invention rather than in the gods of the state.

How does Socrates define wisdom in the apology?

The Awareness of One’s Own Intellectual Limitations Socratic wisdom refers to Socrates’ understanding of the limits of his knowledge in that he only knows that which he knows and makes no assumption of knowing anything more or less.

Who are the old accusers of Socrates?

Antisthenes, in his Successions of the Philosophers, and Plato in his Apology, say that there were three accusers: Anytus, Lycon and Meletus.

Why is the apology of Socrates important?

The Apology, which was written by Plato, is undeniably one of the most important writings on Socrates’ speech that he gave at his trial. Socrates was accused of impiety and corrupting the youth. Socrates was not only defending himself, but was also defending his conception of philosophy.

What does Socrates conclude true wisdom consists of?

According to the first line of interpretation, Socrates’ human wisdom consists in two things: the knowledge that he lacks divine wisdom and his actual possession of some kind of low-grade propositional knowledge.

How did Socrates search for wisdom?

Socrates was aware of his own ignorance; he did not think he was wise. Thus, he decided to attempt to refute the oracle by finding someone who was wiser than himself. He spoke to people with different profession’s, such as politicians, poets, and craftsmen; however, he found that they only possessed “human wisdom”.

Why was Socrates famed for his wisdom?

Why was Socrates famed for his wisdom? The politician that Socrates had spoken to believed that he was wise, and he knew enough to have earned a reputation for wisdom. Yet Socrates found, in conversation with the man, that he consistently overestimated the extent of his knowledge and wisdom.

How does Socrates defend himself in the apology?

Socrates begins his defense by acknowledging that many people have accused him of “studying things in the sky and below the earth” and of “making the worse into the stronger argument” and teaching these things to others (p. 26).

How did Socrates defend himself in the apology?

What are the various charges that Socrates is defending himself against in the apology be specific and mark down the page where your answers can be found?

Corrupting the youth, and Atheism, are the two main charges, there are other accusations leveled at him, but these two were the legal charges. Corrupting the youth, and Atheism, are the two main charges, there are other accusations leveled at him, but these two were the legal charges.

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