What is the history of ear stretching?

What is the history of ear stretching?

The first recorded use of ear-stretching comes from Ancient Egypt, and can be seen in the sarcophagus of the Pharaoh Tutankhamun. In addition, anthropologists believe that the use of ear gauges originated in sub-Saharan Africa.

What do stretched ears represent?

Traditionally around 15 years of age and before marriage, a girl’s lip and ears are pierced. The stretched ears and lip show that the girl has grown into a woman and is now able to have children. It is a custom that allows the tribe to distinguish their women from those of other tribes.

What does ear gauges mean symbolize?

History has shown us that ear stretching was initially used to show that an individual belonged to a group or a tribe. It was accepted by the group and they were marked as being “one of us”. When someone did not have stretched ears they were considered to be an outsider or someone who did not belong to the tribe.

Why do tribes stretch their ears?

The Lahu and Karen-Padaung Tribes stretch their lobes and wear intricate jewelry in their multiple ear piercings because they believe that the ears are the most sacred part of the body. In present day, ear stretching is reserved for married women and seen as a sign of beauty.

What cultures had stretched ears?

Ancient Egyptians, Mayans, and Aztecs used the practice, as well as many Asian and African tribes. If you know of the famous heads on the Easter Islands, all of them have stretched ears. They were known as “long ears” and were warring with neighbouring tribes without stretched ears known as “short ears.”

When did stretched ears become popular?

Body modification grew in the ’00s As a part of this trend, ear stretching was increasing in popularity, driven in part by the emo culture in the ’00s. More places were offering ear stretching as an alternative to piercing. DIY kits also became available on the open market.

Why did Egyptians gauge their ears?

Used for rituals, spiritual purposes, and self-expression early ear stretching was created by using ear weights, and creating jewellery from bone, teeth, stone, and natural objects. Some of these traditional methods of ear stretching can still be seen today in the Lahu tribe and Karen-padaung tribes across Asia.

Why did Egyptians pierce their ears?

The first ear piercings arose amongst primitive tribes for magical purposes. Believing that demons and spirits were repelled by metal, the tribe’s wore metallic ear piercings to prevent the penetration of bad spirits. Egyptians wore earrings to display their wealth and portray their beauty.

Did Buddha have stretched ears?

Although he was no longer weighed down by material possessions, Siddartha’s ears were permanently elongated. Siddartha Gautama went on to become the Buddha, or “enlightened one.” To Buddhists, Buddha’s long earlobes symbolize a conscious rejection of the material world in favor of spiritual enlightenment.

Did Aztecs gauge?

Aztec men and women wore big tubular and round earplugs that were special because they showed whether someone was a soldier, a king, a priest, or even a teacher. People must have learned to stretch the skin in their ear lobes from an early age. …

Does the Bible say anything about piercings?

“You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord,” Leviticus 19:28.

When did pierced ears begin?

about 5,000 years ago
Ear piercing practice dates back to about 5,000 years ago. This is backed by evidence of a mummy known as Ötzi the Iceman, a man who lived during the 4th millennium. It was discovered that his ears had piercings on them.

What is the history of stretched ears?

One of the first historical signs of stretched ears is Ötzi the Iceman. His frozen body was found in The Alps in Italy and dated back over 5,000 years. He was estimated to be 45 years of age and was covered with over 60 tattoos.

Did ancient Egyptians stretch their ears?

Ear stretching was also practiced by nobler mummies such a King Tutankhamen. Masks and statues of the boy king show his earlobes spaced; his lavish 10mm gauge spacers were also discovered. The Egyptians were not the only people whose sculptures accurately reflected their peoples’ body mods.

Why do people stretch their ears?

Their ears were stretched using plugs made of wood, shark bone, and some used shell from a tortoise. Today Africa is still filled with tribes who have passed on the cutural tradition of ear stretching from generation to generation. The Mursi tribe in Ethiopia practices the custom of stretching their ears and their mouths as a sign of respect.

Are stretched ears a body modification?

Body modifications like stretched ears were rarely seen (except in traditional tribes). In the Western culture they were mostly seen in groups like punks or goths. Nowadays it continues to be on the rise. Ear stretching is growing in popularity with both men and women and it does not seem to be confined to any one type of group.

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