What is Chi Omega sorority known for?

What is Chi Omega sorority known for?

Chi Omega is an “intergenerational women’s organization” that states its founding purposes as: “friendship, personal integrity, service to others, academic excellence and intellectual pursuits, community and campus involvement and personal and career development”.

How much does it cost to join Chi Omega?

Annual Active Member Dues: $522 Usually, you are expected to pay approximately $332 in the Fall and the remaining $200 in the spring. If you need any special accommodations to make payments, we will gladly help figure out a way to make sure that you can reasonably pay your dues.

What are the 6 purposes of Chi Omega?

Chartered on the Hillsdale College campus on September 15, 1924, for almost 100 years the sisters of the Rho Gamma chapter of Chi Omega have deliberately lived out their 6 founding purposes: Friendship, Personal Integrity, Service to Others, Academic Excellence and Intellectual Pursuits, Community and Campus …

Where is the Chi Omega executive headquarters?

Memphis, Tennessee
Executive Headquarters Chi Omega Fraternity, The Chi Omega Foundation, and Chi O Creations have called Memphis, Tennessee home since December 1994, when we opened our doors to over 23,000 square feet of highly functional work, retail, and training space.

Is Chi Omega top tier?

A “top” tier sorority can basically pick just who they want among pledges, while a “low” tier sorority takes the left-overs….Sorority Reputations.

Sorority Name Tier Stereotype
Chi Omega mid nice, sweet, classy but exclusionary, not partyers
Delta Zeta low “easy,” fun, supportive, active in Greek life, partyers

Is Chi Omega a party sorority?

The following are among the largest national sororities that are members of the National Panhellenic Conference, an umbrella organization comprising 26 member groups….Sorority Reputations.

Sorority Name Tier Stereotype
Alpha Chi Omega mid low-profile, down-to-earth, involved in service, not partyers

Is Chi Omega religious?

Membership. Chi Omega members represent different racial, religious and ethnic backgrounds. Our membership is comprised of women who reflect and live the values of Chi Omega. We strive to uphold our purposes, which encourage us to form a network of friends with high standards and similar values.

Is the SH the national president of Chi Omega?

Her Time as S.H. Melanie served as the Fraternity’s National President 1992-1998, years that represented tremendous accomplishments for the Fraternity and the Foundation.

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