What does Juno say when she goes into labor?

What does Juno say when she goes into labor?

10 Laugh Out Loud: “Thundercats Are Go!” Juno announces that she’s going into labor in the most Juno way possible — with an obscure pop culture reference to a cartoon from the ’80s.

What does Juno do with the baby?

Juno, 16 years old is now pregnant. With the thought of an abortion she quickly changes her mind and decides to keep her baby and put the baby up for adoption. Juno found a lovely couple in the Penny Saver looking to be parents.

Who drives Juno to the hospital when she’s having the baby?

Suddenly she calls to her father to tell him that her water broke. Juno, her dad, Bren, and her stepsister, Liberty Bell, all climb in the van and drive to the hospital. We see Leah pushing Juno around playfully in a wheelchair.

How do they give birth in movies?

Most of the time, it involves screaming and panting, and the baby will be out in twelve second tops even though many childbirths take several hours and sometimes have no ‘action’ whatsoever. It’s not complicated. In the average movie where a childbirth occurs, it will take place in an hospital bed.

What does the chair symbolize in Juno?

For the opening scene of the film, there is a long shot of Juno standing in front of an armchair. The armchair is going to be a symbol throughout the movie. The camera cuts to a close up of Junos face and her empty eyes staring at the chair, delivering a message of frustration and hopelessness.

Does Juno give her baby away?

Once inside, Juno decides to give the baby up for adoption instead. With the help of her friend Leah, Juno searches the ads in the Pennysaver and finds a childless married couple she feels will provide a suitable home.

Does Juno end up giving the baby away?

In the end she decides, despite Mark leaving Vanessa, that she is going to give the baby to a single mother. This decision was more than just a whim and Juno realized that family is based on good people rather than simply having a married couple.

Does Juno give the baby away?

After a heartfelt discussion with her father, Juno accepts that she loves Paulie. Juno then tells Paulie she loves him, and Paulie’s actions make it clear her feelings are very much reciprocated. Not long after, Juno goes into labor and is rushed to the hospital, where she gives birth to a baby boy.

How do shows cast newborns?

Babies, just like adult actors, come from casting calls, but they’re only legally allowed to work for four hours a day on set, so there’s a simple trick used to extend their camera time. Hall: Very often, when you see a TV show or a film, twins are used to play one role.

Is the apocalypto birth real?

Apocalypto is one of just a handful of movies that portray a totally “natural” childbirth without hospitals, doctors, medicine or anything else that might slightly ease the process.

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