Is PCLL a masters degree?

Is PCLL a masters degree?

The Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (PCLL; 法學專業證書) is an intensive one-year full-time (or two-year part-time) professional legal qualification programme in Hong Kong. It allows graduates to proceed to legal training before qualifying to practice as either a barrister or a solicitor in Hong Kong.

How to get into PCLL?

To be eligible for admission to the PCLL, an applicant must at least have completed their Bachelor of Laws (LL. B.) or equivalent legal studies either in Hong Kong or other common law jurisdictions, or have passed the Common Professional Examinations (CPE or CPEC) of Hong Kong or of England and Wales or equivalent.

What is PCLL Hong Kong?

PCLL. FT / PT. The HKU PCLL programme is a leading professional legal education programme devoted to the training of students who intend to practice as lawyers in Hong Kong. The programme is mainly aimed at future solicitors and barristers in Hong Kong who have completed their Bachelor of Laws (LL.

How do I apply to City University?

How to Apply to CityU

  1. Meet with an advisor to select an educational objective and discuss application and enrollment requirements.
  2. Pay the nonrefundable application fee.
  3. Provide all required documents relevant to the respective degree or certificate program.

How do I become a lawyer UK?

You need to complete the following training to qualify as a solicitor:

  1. Three-year undergraduate degree (+ 1 year GDL conversion course if required)
  2. One-year Legal Practice Course (LPC)
  3. Two-year Professional Skills Course.
  4. Two-year law training contract in a law firm.

Is City University of Seattle accredited?

U.S. Accreditation CityU is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities, the regional accrediting body approved by the U.S. Department of Education for Alaska, British Columbia, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, and Washington.

Is LLB a law degree?

The LLB is a three-year higher education qualifying law degree which leads to the next stage in training to enter the legal profession: either the LPC for solicitors (soon to be replaced by the SQE) or the BPTC for barristers.

How do I apply for a place on the PCLL programme?

If you wish to apply for a place on our PCLL programme, you must do so directly to us. In your application you will be asked to rank your preferences amongst the 3 PCLL providers. We will only consider applications where CUHK is ranked as the first choice.

When can I apply for PCLL 2021/2022?

Applications for admission to the PCLL programme in 2021/2022 are accepted beginning from 17 November 2020. You must submit your application on or before 30 April 2021. LATE application will not be accepted.

What is the success rate for PCLL admissions?

The total number of PCLL applicants was between 1,210 and 1,322, and the total number of PCLL students admitted by the three law schools was between 608 and 650. Roughly, in each of these three years, the admission rate was 1 in 2, which yielded a 50 percent success rate.

Does CityU School of Law offer UGC-funded PCLL?

CityU School of Law offers both UGC-funded and self-financing PCLL places. The UGC-funded places are limited in number and are awarded on the basis of merit subject to relevant or applicable regulations.

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