What is volume in calculus?

What is volume in calculus?

In general, suppose y=f(x) is nonnegative and continuous on [a,b]. If the region bounded above by the graph of f, below by the x-axis, and on the sides by x=a and x=b is revolved about the x-axis, the volume V of the generated solid is given by V=∫abπ[f(x)]2dx.

What does calculus 2 include?

Calculus 2 continues with the mathematical study of change first introduced to students during Calculus 1. The course covers integration, applications of integration, and series, while also reviewing and expanding upon concept introduced in Calculus 1 such as limits and derivatives.

What is the volume of liquid?

If volume is the amount of 3-D space contained by a closed surface (e.g. the amount of space within a given cube, or cylinder, or any other 3-D shape), liquid volume is a way to measure an amount of liquid by describing it how much 3-D space it occupies.

How do you calculate volume in AP Calc?

To find the volume, one would use the washer method: \displaystyle V = \pi\int [R^{2}(x) – r^{2}(x)]dx. \displaystyle V = \pi[\frac{20}{3}x^\frac{3}{2}} – \frac{x^{2}}{2}], evaluated from to .

What is a volume of a disk?

A volume is the part of the disk that you interact with as a user. While partitions and volumes are coterminal, a volume has a name and file system in addition to a size. Multiple volumes can be stored on a single disk, and operating systems keep track of what volumes are on what drives. …

What is the volume of ring?

Using the length the centroid makes in the ring, ( it will be 2. pi. r, where r is the distance of the centroid from centre of the ring), multiply it by the cross-sectional area and this will give you the volume of the ring.

Is there a calculus 4?

In short, there’s no one class called Calculus 4 — you should ask your school what they mean by the name, if it’s offered. Vector calculus is sometimes referred to as Calc 4, since it uses many ideas usually taught in Calc III, like vector valued functions, and double/triple integrals.

What is the difference between Calc 1 and Calc 2?

Calculus 1 mainly focuses on differentiation rules and how to differentiate most types of functions and composite functions. Solutions by approximations are also taught. Some integration techniques are also taught. Calculus 2 builds on integration techniques learnt in Calculus 1.

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