What is the numeric range of ICMPv6 informational messages?

What is the numeric range of ICMPv6 informational messages?

ICMPv6 “type” Numbers

Range Registration Procedures
0-127 (Error messages) IETF Review
128-255 (Informational messages) IETF Review

What is the numeric range of ICMPv6 error messages?

What field content is used by ICMPv6 to determine that a packet has expired?

What field content is used by ICMPv6 to determine that a packet has expired? Explanation: ICMPv6 sends a Time Exceeded message if the router cannot forward an IPv6 packet because the packet expired. The router uses a hop limit field to determine if the packet has expired, and does not have a TTL field.

Which type of ICMPv6 message would a host send to acquire an IPv6 configuration when booting up?

If automatic IPv6 addressing is selected, the host will use an Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) Router Advertisement (RA) message to help it autoconfigure an IPv6 configuration. The IPv6 link-local address is automatically created by the host when it boots and the Ethernet interface is active.

Which two types of ICMP messages are common to both ICMPv4 and ICMPv6?

ICMP messages common to both ICMPv4 and ICMPv6 include: Host confirmation.

Which ICMPv6 message is sent when the IPv6?

ICMPv6 uses the hop limit field in the IPv6 packet header to determine if the packet has expired. If the hop limit field has reached zero, a router will send a time exceeded message back towards the source indicating that the router cannot forward the packet.

What is the source link-layer address for ICMPv6?

Refer to RFC 2461 for more information on Neighbor Discovery for ICMPv6. The Source Link-Layer Address option contains the link-layer address of the sender of the packet. It is used in the neighbor solicitation, router solicitation, and router advertisement packets.

What does ICMPv6 stand for?

This document list all the possible types and codes for the Internet Control Message Protocol version 6 (ICMPv6) packet. There are no specific prerequisites for this document. This document is not restricted to specific software and hardware versions.

What is an ICMPv6 Time Exceeded message?

Time Exceeded Message. 3. 0 – Hop limit exceeded in transit 1 – Fragment reassembly time exceeded. If a router receives a packet with a hop limit of zero, or a router decrements a packet’s hop limit to zero, it must discard the packet and send an ICMPv6 Time Exceeded message with Code 0 to the source of the packet.

What is IPv6 Parameter Problem message?

A Parameter Problem message is generated in response to an IPv6 packet with problem in its IPv6 header, or extension headers, such the node cannot process the packet and must discard it. For more details refer to RFC 2463 section 3.4.


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