Where to find dr lawrence Foster in prototype 2?

Where to find dr lawrence Foster in prototype 2?

Lawrence Foster stands on the rooftop in location [574, 324] and is accompanied by three brawlers.

Where do I find Dr Rajiv kureshi in Prototype 2?

Approximate location of Dr. Jariv Kureshi is [550, 505]. Depending on the fact how quickly you can find him, he can be escaping from infected or lie wounded on the ground. Regardless of the turn of events, you have to consume him.

Where is Cpl Jeffrey Fasolo in prototype 2?

An exact location of corporal Jeffrey Fasolo is [257, 1326], but it is located in the zone inaccessible for civilians, so it is best to approach him disguised as a soldier or a scientist.

How do you bail out of a helicopter in Prototype 2?

The last action you have to perform is to leave the helicopter and in order to do this you have to hold B button, thus causing the helicopter with scientists to crash.

Where can I find Elwood pine in Prototype 2?

Elwood Pine stands near the group of Blackwatch soldiers in location [639, 231] and you can attack him right away because he has virus powers and can’t be consumed in a standard way.

How do you hunt Dr Shaffeld in Prototype 2?

Hunting Shaffeld is nothing special and it is the same as previous hunts, so you have to use your sonar from time to time (press left analog stick), observing from high viewpoints where these impulses come from. Your target is location [370, 1024], in the north-western part of yellow zone.

Where is Cpl Stanley Carter?

New objective: Hunt and consume corporal Stanley Carter His approximate location is [315, 1215]. Make sure that corporal is not observed by anyone and consume him (button B and button Y).

How do you stealth consume in Prototype 2?

At the bottom of it, you’ll find a DNA symbol which is you stealth consume ability (Buy it first or else you can’t use it). To use it, walk behind your victum slowly and without disturbance and the symbol will flash red then press the O button and Alex will consume the target.

Where do you find Cpl Stanley in Prototype 2?

New objective: Hunt and consume corporal Stanley Carter Corporal should patrol the area near the church, where you’ll meet with father Guerra. His approximate location is [315, 1215]. Make sure that corporal is not observed by anyone and consume him (button B and button Y).

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