How do you write a binary compound?

How do you write a binary compound?

For a binary ionic compound, a metal will always be the first element in the formula, while a nonmetal will always be the second. The metal cation is named first, followed by the nonmetal anion. Subscripts in the formula do not affect the name. The table below shows three examples.

What is the name of the compound rb2s?

rubidium sulfide
Rubidium sulfide

PubChem CID 13710577
Molecular Formula Rb2S
Synonyms rubidium sulfide Q2171605
Molecular Weight 203.00
Component Compounds CID 29109 (Sulfide) CID 5357696 (Rubidium)

What is the correct formula for rubidium sulfide?

Rubidium sulfide/Formula

What is the correct name for the compound FeBr3?

Ferric bromide

PubChem CID 25554
Structure Find Similar Structures
Molecular Formula Br3Fe
Synonyms Ferric bromide iron(III)bromide Iron bromide (FeBr3) Br3Fe FeBr3 More…
Molecular Weight 295.56

What is binary ionic compound with example?

A binary ionic compound is composed of ions of two different elements – one of which is a metal, and the other a nonmetal. For example, sodium iodide, NaI, is composed of sodium ions, Na+ (elemental sodium is a metal), and iodide ions, I- (elemental iodine is a nonmetal).

What is SeCl6 in chemistry?

Selenium Hexachloride SeCl6 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.

What is rubidium sulfide made of?

Rubidium sulfide is made of two ions, Rb+ and S2− . But while the individual ions may be charged, oppositely charged ions will be drafted so as the charge is neutral. The sulfide ion, S2− , thus requires 2×Rb+ for electrical neutrality.

What is a compound sentence with 2 independent clauses?

A compound sentence is a sentence with at least two independent clauses and no dependent clauses. What’s an independent clause? It’s a phrase that can stand alone as a sentence. “I slept late” is an independent clause.

How do you combine two sentences into one compound sentence?

Below are two simple sentences. Both are independent clauses because they each have their own subjects and verbs. I have a pet iguana. His name is Fluffy. To combine them into a compound sentence, we simply add a comma plus the coordinating conjunction and. I have a pet iguana, and his name is Fluffy.

What are the two problems with compound sentences?

Two problems with compound sentences are caused by attempts to be too clever or too brief: Comma Splices – Pity the poor comma, asked to perform the work of a semicolon by linking two or more independent clauses!

What is the subject of the second sentence?

Although they’re talking about the same topic, the subjects of each sentence are both different: the first sentence’s subject is I and the second one’s subject is name. That’s part of what makes them independent, and compound sentences only work with independent clauses. For example, the sentence below is not a compound sentence.

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