What is Fructus Hordei Germinatus?

What is Fructus Hordei Germinatus?

Fructus Hordei Germinatus is widely used in treating hyperprolactinemia as a kind of Chinese traditional herb in China. High-dose, middle-dose and low-dose AFH were administered into the stomach of hyperprolactinemia rats for 30 days.

What is Mai Ya herb?

Specification: Mai ya (Barley sprouts) is a Traditional Chinese Herb used to reduces food stagnation and to strengthen the Spleen and Stomach. The main functions of Mai Ya in TCM are to eliminate retention of food, harmonize the stomach, to restrain lactation in women or to promote the flow of liver Qi.

How do you make Shen Qu?

Preparation: Typically, medicated leaven consists of a mixture of wheat flower, artemisia annua, xanthium, polygonum and other herbs. Sometimes, it is made with mashed apricot kernels and artemisia. The mixture is covered, fermented for a period of one week, cut into small pieces, then dried in the sun.

What is Ji Nei Jin?

Name: Chicken Gizzards Internal Lining (雞內金) Pinyin: Ji Nei Jin. Pharm. Name: Endothelium Corneum Gigeriae Galli.

What is Shen Qu used for?

According to Chinese medicine theory, Shen Qu is used primarily to treat digestive issues. Its ingredients contain a large amount of yeast and vitamin B, which help alleviate symptoms that stem from bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea, and chronic gastritis.

What is ophiopogon tuber?

Ophiopogon Tuber is a traditional Chinese medicinal herb to moisten the lungs, nourish the Yin, generate fluids, moisten the intestines eliminate irritability and clear heat. Ophiopogon Tuber benefits respiratory health, promotes a healthy blood glucose level and supports digestive health.

Is Mang Xiao Epsom salt?

Magnesium sulfate is called Epsom salts. For Internal use, Mang Xiao is either added to the strained decoction or mixed with warm water. Mang Xiao clears the Large Intestine and softens hardness to treat constipation.

What is medicated leaven?

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), medicated leaven are plants that belong to the ‘Herbs that relieve Food Stagnation’ category. These herbs typically possess digestive and Food moving properties as they relate to the Stomach and Spleen. Medicated leaven also taste Pungent and Sweet.

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