What are the types of Spanish conjugations?

What are the types of Spanish conjugations?

The following are the simple tenses and their uses:

  • Present (presente)
  • Imperfect (pretérito imperfecto)
  • Preterite (pretérito indefinido)
  • Future (futuro simple or futuro imperfecto)
  • Simple conditional (condicional simple or pospretérito)

How do you conjugate to write in Spanish?

To say “write” in Spanish, you simply use the verb “escribir.” Here’s how it’s conjugated:

  1. Yo escribo = I write.
  2. Tú escribe = You write.
  3. Él/ella/Ud. escribes = He/she writes.
  4. Nosotros escribimos = We write.
  5. Vosotro escribís = You all write.
  6. Ellos/ellas/Uds. escriben = They write.

What are the 6 endings for AR verbs?

-Ar verbs have six endings: o, as, a, amos, áis, an.

What is the difference between TU and tú?

2 Answers. Tu is possessive- Me encanta tu vestido = I love your dress. Tú is a personal pronoun- Tú puedes leer = You can read.

Is escribe formal or informal?

In This Article

Conjugation Translation
usted escribe You (formal) write
nosotros escribimos We write
vosotros escribís You all (informal) write
ellos/ellas escriben They write

How do you conjugate Nadar?


  1. nado.
  2. tú nadas.
  3. él/ella/Ud. nada.
  4. nosotros. nadamos.
  5. vosotros. nadáis.
  6. ellos/ellas/Uds. nadan.

When should a verb end in ÁIS or ÉIS?

If the subject is you-all – informal (vosotros/vosotras), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -áis, -éis, or ís. If the subject is they (ellos/ellas) or you-all – formal (ustedes), conjugate by dropping the ending and add -an (-ar verbs) or -en (-er and -ir verbs).

Is Tengo a verb?

Use the different parts of the verb tener in the table to say what you, other people or things have or don’t have….’Tener’ – to have.

Spanish English
tengo I have
tienes you have
tiene he/she/it has

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