What is the family of Asclepiadaceae?

What is the family of Asclepiadaceae?


Which fruit is present in family Asclepiadaceae?

Fruit types include berries, drupes, and follicles, and seed features to be found in the family include wings, comas, and arils. The Asclepiadaceae are more constant in morphological traits and the main difference relative to Apocynaceae is connected to pollination specialisation.

Which inflorescence is shown in family Asclepiadaceae?

Inflorescence: Cymose dichasial cyme. Flower: Bracteate, bracteolate, pedicellate, actinomorphic, regular, hermaphrodite, pentamerous, hypogynous, cyclic.

Which is also known as milkweed family?

Asclepiadoideae. Burnett. Genera. See text. According to APG II, the Asclepiadaceae, commonly known as milkweed family, is a former plant family now treated as a subfamily in the family Apocynaceae (Bruyns 2000).

What is Bilabiate corolla?

A bilabiate (means “two-lipped”) corolla is a zygomorphic, sympetalous corolla with the limb divided into two lips. The upper lip is 2-lobed, while the lower lip is 3-lobed.

Who wrote the book Species plantarum?

Carl Linnaeus
Species Plantarum/Authors

Species Plantarum, (1753), two-volume work by the Swedish botanist Carolus Linnaeus, in which he established a precise and workable two-word, or binomial, system for naming plants. This system forms the basis of modern plant taxonomy.

What is the unit of androecium in family asclepiadaceae?

The androecium and gynoecium are nearly always adnate into a gynostegium with five highly modified stamens and a massive, 5-lobed stigma. The anthers usually produce paired sacs of pollen called pollinia that are transferred as a unit during pollination.

What is gynostegium in biology?

Answer: A characteristic and complex structure created by the fusion of the stamens with the stigma is the gynostegium. It is a complex structure produced by the fusion of stamens, styles, and surfaces that are stigmatic. …

What are the typical features of members of the milkweed family asclepiadaceae?

Gynoecium: The gynoecium is bicarpellary and the ovaries of the two carpels are free. The styles are united at their apices and the stigma has five lateral surfaces. The ovary of each carpel is unilocular with single placenta bearing numerous anatropous pendulous ovules. The placentation is marginal.

What does milkweed symbolize?

Milkweeds symbolize remembrance, dignity and freedom.

Why is milkweed called Asclepias?

Asclepias is a genus of herbaceous, perennial, flowering plants known as milkweeds, named for their latex, a milky substance containing cardiac glycosides termed cardenolides, exuded where cells are damaged.

What is Asclepias&Gomphocarpus?

Asclepias & Gomphocarpus Linnaeus (1753) Asclepiasspecies ( Milkweeds ) have a wide distribution in the America and Africa and the genus includes about 200 species of mainly perrenial herbs with tuberous roots. The scientific name refers to the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius,because of the supposed medicinal qualities of plants in this genus.

What is the asclepiadacea?

The Asclepiadaceaecomprise a large and diverse group of about two-thousand species of plants split into 300 genera. The Asclepiadaceaewere separated from the Apocynaceae(Jussieu 1789) by Robert Brown in 1810. Following recent work on DNA and other studies, they have been merged back into a sub-family of the Apocynaceae.

What is an Asclepiad flower?

Asclepiads deserve wider recognition by plant enthusiasts for their unusual and often brightly coloured flowers, with a characteristic five-fold symmetry. In many species the cut stem exudes a milky sap (hence the common name “milkweed”) and the flowers are followed by pairs of podscontaining tightly-packed seeds attached to silky parachutes.

What are the characteristics of Asclepiadaceae?

The florets have the five-fold symetry characteristic of the Asclepiadaceae, varying in colour from greenish white or yellow to red or purple. Asclepias flowers generally produce generous quantities of nectar, which may sometimes be seen forming droplets in the flower centres.

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