What does the imperceptible mean?

What does the imperceptible mean?

Definition of imperceptible : not perceptible by a sense or by the mind : extremely slight, gradual, or subtle imperceptible differences. Other Words from imperceptible Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About imperceptible.

What is a word for stating the obvious?

Stating the obvious is perhaps best stated as “self-evident.” For example, “A street is better than a little trail to connect those two large neighborhoods.” “That’s self-evident.”

What is the synonym of the word imperceptible?

gradual, inaudible, indistinguishable, insignificant, invisible, microscopic, subtle, undetectable, ephemeral, evanescent, fine, impalpable, imponderable, inappreciable, inconsiderable, inconspicuous, indiscernible, indistinct, infinitesimal, insensible.

What does it mean when something is obvious?

1 : easily discovered, seen, or understood It was obvious that things weren’t working out. She stayed for obvious reasons. 2 archaic : being in the way or in front.

What things are imperceptible?

If something is imperceptibly moving, then it’s barely moving — or not moving enough for you to really see it moving. It’s imperceptible, or not perceptible. An imperceptibly whining dog is hardly whining at all. An imperceptibly flapping flag is nearly still.

Is it bad to state the obvious?

Stating the obvious can be viewed as a “bid” for connection. A bid is any attempt from one person to another for attention, affirmation, affection, or any other positive connection. If that bid is not met, over time it can erode the intimacy in a relationship.

Is it good to state the obvious?

It allows you to gauge someone’s interest and attention on the topic you are discussing. If their eyes are glazing over or they start breathing heavily. It’s a good sign that they’re anxious and not listening to understand. Stating the obvious helps you to communicate a thought clearly through a bread crumb approach.

Which of the following is most nearly opposite in meaning to imperceptible?

What is the opposite of imperceptible?

noticeable discernible
prominent marked
decided salient
bold perceivable
unmistakable substantial

What is another name for interminable?

Interminable Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for interminable?

continuous constant
ceaseless endless
continual unceasing
incessant unbroken
unending eternal

What is too obvious?

1 easy to see or understand; evident. 2 exhibiting motives, feelings, intentions, etc., clearly or without subtlety. 3 naive or unsubtle.

What is an example of obvious?

The definition of obvious is something that is readily apparent or easy to see. An example of obvious is an elephant standing right in front of you.

What is another word for imperceptible?

Another word for imperceptible. adjective. Incapable of being apprehended by the mind or the senses: impalpable, imponderable, inappreciable, indiscernible, indistinguishable, insensible, intangible, invisible, unnoticeable, unobservable.

What is the definition of imperceptible?

Definition of imperceptible : not perceptible by a sense or by the mind : extremely slight, gradual, or subtle imperceptible differences : not noticeable by the senses or by the mind : very small or gradual imperceptible changes

What does imperceptibility mean?

Imperceptibility means that the human eyes cannot distinguish if there is data or information hidden in the image. Imperceptibility refers to the quality of watermarked media as noticed visually. The method focuses on imperceptibility and detectability of tampered images used for authentication.

What does incompetible mean?

incompatible(Noun) An incompatible substance; one of a group of things that cannot be placed or used together because of a change of chemical composition or opposing medicinal qualities. the incompatibles of iron.

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