What is a CGP in construction?

What is a CGP in construction?

The CGP authorizes the discharge of stormwater (and certain authorized non-stormwater discharges) from construction sites that disturb one acre or more of land, and from smaller sites that are part of a larger, common plan of development.

What is the California construction General permit?

Construction General Permit Construction activity subject to this permit includes clearing, grading and disturbances to the ground such as stockpiling, or excavation, but does not include regular maintenance activities performed to restore the original line, grade, or capacity of the facility.

What is General permit?

General permit means a Permit which covers multiple dischargers of a point source category within a designated geographical area, in lieu of individual Permits being issued to each discharger.

How long does it take to get a SWPPP approved?

The fastest and easiest way to obtain permit coverage is through EPA’s new online permit application system (www.epa.gov/npdes/enoi). EPA’s permit requires a 7-day waiting period after an NOI is filed and posted on EPA’s Web site (www. epa. gov/npdes/noisearch).

How do you close a SWPPP?

In order to close it, contractors must file for a Notice of Termination (NOT), in most cases. Being ready and able to file for the NOT can be a source of confusion, however. In order to be able to file for the NOT, the site must meet the following requirements (according to the federal permit):

How many years must you retain your SWPPP records?

Retention of Records Page 15 -XIII- The facility operator is required to retain records of all monitoring information, copies of all reports required by this General Permit, and records of all data used to complete the NOI for a period of five years from the date of measurement, report, or monitoring activity.

What is SWPPP BMP?

Best Management Practices, or BMPs, are proven methods and control activities that you can use for your SWPPP. They fall into two categories: Structural BMPs – things like fences, ponds, blankets, and seeding that you build into the site to help control runoff and channel water into the proper areas.

What is the purpose of general permits versus individual permits under the Clean Water Act?

The general permit process eliminates individual review and allows certain activities to proceed with little or no delay, provided that the general or specific conditions for the general permit are met.

What is a local permit?

Local permit means a permit issued to a nonprofit organization recognized as a public-spirited organization by a governing body of a city or county that authorizes the organization to conduct only bingo, raffles, and sports pools in that city or county.

Who approves a SWPPP?

The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) is a five-member Board that sets statewide water quality protection policy in California. As stated above, the SWRCB issues stormwater permits for discharges associated with construction activity.

What is required in a SWPPP?

A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is a site-specific, written document signed by a company executive that (1) identifies all of the activities and conditions at their site that could cause water pollution, and (2) details the steps the facility will take to prevent the discharge of any unpermitted …

What happened to the construction stormwater general permit?

The existing Construction Stormwater General Permit expired September 2, 2014 and has been administratively extended until the State Water Board adopts a permit reissuance and the new permit becomes effective. The State Water Board is proposing to reissue the Construction Stormwater General Permit. More information can be found at the link below:

What is the construction general permit (CGP)?

The CGP applies to operators of construction activities that will disturb one or more acres of land, or that will disturb less than one acre but are part of a common plan of development or sale that will ultimately disturb one acre or more.

What are the requirements in the CGP for construction site stormwater discharge?

The requirements in the CGP for construction site stormwater discharges require operators to minimize erosion from construction sites and minimize the discharge of sediment and other construction site pollutants in stormwater.

What is the EPA construction general permit?

What is the EPA Construction General Permit (CGP)? The EPA CGP is an NPDES permit issued under the authority of the CWA and associated regulations for those areas where EPA is the NPDES permitting authority.

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