Why is Venus special?

Why is Venus special?

In addition to being extremely hot, Venus is unusual because it spins in the opposite direction of Earth and most other planets. It also has a very slow rotation making its day longer than its year.

What is the most interesting fact about Venus?

Venus Facts. Venus is the second planet from the Sun and the third brightest object in Earth’s sky after the Sun and Moon. It is sometimes referred to as the sister planet to Earth, because their size and mass are so similar. Venus is also the closest planet to Earth.

What Colour is Venus?

Viewed through a telescope, Venus presents a brilliant yellow-white, essentially featureless face to the observer. Its obscured appearance results from the surface of the planet being hidden from sight by a continuous and permanent cover of clouds. Features in the clouds are difficult to see in visible light.

What are five interesting facts about the sun?

Here are more fun facts about the sun, provided by the NASA Science Space Place:

  • The sun is a star.
  • The sun is the closest star to our planet, which is why we see the sun so big and bright.
  • The Earth orbits around the sun.
  • The sun is way bigger than the Earth.
  • It’s hot!!
  • The sun is 93 million miles away from the Earth.

What is the color of Earth?

Short answer: Mostly blue, with some green, brown and white. Long answer: There are several main colours of the planet Earth, the dominant colour being blue. This comes from the oceans and the atmosphere. Water is blue when it’s more than a few metres deep, and the oceans also reflect blue light from the atmosphere.

How many moons planets have?

Read More

Planet / Dwarf Planet Confirmed Moons Total
Earth 1 1
Mars 2 2
Jupiter 53 79
Saturn 53 82

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