What are the 4 parts of a pay stub?

What are the 4 parts of a pay stub?

Generally, the items on a pay stub include:

  • Gross wages.
  • Employee taxes.
  • Deductions.
  • Employer contributions.
  • Employer taxes.
  • Net pay.

What is Joe’s gross pay?

Gross pay = $960.00 x .062 = $59.52. Joe Works the same amount of hours each month joe worked 80 hours in the last pay period and he earns $12 per hour.

What information appears on a pay stub?

What Information Is Available On A Paystub? A paycheck stub summarizes how your total earnings were distributed. The information on a paystub includes how much was paid on your behalf in taxes, how much was deducted for benefits, and the total amount that was paid to you after taxes and deductions were taken.

How do you read an earnings statement?

How to read your Earnings Statement:

  1. Period Beginning, Period Ending, and Pay Date.
  2. Net Pay and Advice Number. This section reports your net pay for the period as well as calendar year to date.
  3. Tax Status.
  4. Earnings.
  5. 5-7. Taxes, Benefits, and Other Deductions.
  6. Deposit Information.
  7. Leave Used.
  8. Taxable Fringe Benefits.

What is DD net pay?

If you have Direct Deposit, the amount printed on your paycheck as “Deposit” represents the net direct deposit (DD NET), not the gross of all your direct deposits. If you have only one direct deposit bank account the amount of your check will be your net pay after deductions.

How do I read my 2021 pay stub?

How To Read Your Pay Stub

  1. Employer/Company Address: The name and address of your employer.
  2. Employee No.: Your unique ID number at your place of employment used by payroll managers instead of your full name.
  3. Employee Name: Your name.
  4. Social Security No.: Your Social Security number.

What is listed on a pay stub?

Pay stubs typically include information on both the employee (including name, address, and social security number) and the employer (including company name and address). If you’re using a payroll app—like Hourly—employee information would be easily accessible elsewhere for the worker to view and amend if needed.

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