What is RSpec example?

What is RSpec example?

The word it is another RSpec keyword which is used to define an “Example”. An example is basically a test or a test case. This part of the RSpec philosophy, an Example is not just a test, it’s also a specification (a spec). In other words, an Example both documents and tests the expected behavior of your Ruby code.

How to run a specific test RSpec?

Running tests by their file or directory names is the most familiar way to run tests with RSpec. RSpec can take a file name or directory name and run the file or the contents of the directory. So you can do: rspec spec/jobs to run the tests found in the jobs directory.

How do I start RSpec?

To kick things off, install RSpec and run rspec –init to set up your project to use RSpec. Start with a very simple example that expresses some basic desired behaviour. Run the example and watch it fail. Run the example and bask in the joy that is green.

How do I run all RSpec?

  1. Create a .rspec file in the root of your project.
  2. Add the path to where your specs are e.g. –default-path test/spec/
  3. Add the pattern of how your files are named e.g. –pattern ****/*.spec.
  4. Run rspec and it should pick all your specs and run them 🙂

How do I run all rspec?

How do I run rspec Rails test?

You can use SPEC=path/to/spec. rb:42 to run the test on the given line number, although it seems any it_behaves_like tests will also get run (bug?).

How do I run rspec rails?

How to Run the Tests

  1. Everything at once: bundle exec rspec . This runs all your tests.
  2. One RSpec package: bundle exec rspec ./spec/models. This runs all model specs.
  3. One RSpec file at a time: bundle exec rspec ./spec/models/story_spec. rb .
  4. One by one: bundle exec rspec ./spec/models/story_spec.rb:10.

What is rspec command?

The rspec command comes with several options you can use to customize RSpec’s. behavior, including output formats, filtering examples, etc. For a full list of options, run the rspec command with the –help flag: $ rspec –help.

How do you set a variable in RSpec?

Another way to define a variable in RSpec is to use the let syntax. The let method should be called inside an example group. The first argument is the name of a variable to define.

How do I start rspec?

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