What is the basic structure of PL SQL?

What is the basic structure of PL SQL?

PL/SQL is a block-structured language whose code is organized into blocks. A PL/SQL block consists of three sections: declaration, executable, and exception-handling sections. In a block, the executable section is mandatory while the declaration and exception-handling sections are optional. A PL/SQL block has a name.

What are the control structures in PL SQL?

Overview of PL/SQL Control Structures. Conditional Control: IF and CASE Statements. Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statements. Sequential Control: GOTO and NULL Statements.

Can you explain the PL SQL execution architecture?

PL/SQL architecture defines how the PL/SQL blocks are executed in Oracle. Oracle provides PL/SQL engine that executes the Procedural Language part of a block. When an application program or a user invokes a PL/SQL block, it is submitted to the PL/SQL engine available locally.

Which of the following is used to close if statement block in Plsql?

Best explanation: The answer is ENDIF. It is used to close the IF block. ENDIF statement should be in line with the IF statement.

How many sections are in PL SQL block?

A PL/SQL block has up to four different sections, only one of which is mandatory: Header. Used only for named blocks. The header determines the way the named block or program must be called.

What are the 3 iterative control Structures?

Iterative Control: LOOP and EXIT Statements. LOOP statements let you execute a sequence of statements multiple times. There are three forms of LOOP statements: LOOP , WHILE-LOOP , and FOR-LOOP .

What are different conditional IF statement in Plsql?

You use the IF-THEN-ELSIF-ELSE syntax, when you want to execute one set of statements when condition1 is TRUE, a different set of statements when condition2 is TRUE, or a different set of statements when all previous conditions (ie: condition1 and condition2) are FALSE.

What are the different conditional IF statement in PL SQL?

The IF statement evaluates a condition. The condition can be anything that evaluates to a logical value of true or false such as comparison expression or a combination of multiple comparison expressions. The PL/SQL IF statement has three forms: IF-THEN , IF-THEN-ELSE and IF-THEN-ELSIF .

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