What can I do with new construction in my backyard?

What can I do with new construction in my backyard?

Careful planning, some patience and a few key solutions will make the difference between success and failure.

  1. Add organic matter. Repeat.
  2. Install tough plants.
  3. Reduce your lawn space.
  4. Aerate your lawn.
  5. Establish a vegetable garden.
  6. Consider shade trees for you or the next homeowner.
  7. Work with a designer.

How do you landscape a new build?

Here’s what to do.

  1. Imagine the End Product, Sketch Your Landscape Plan.
  2. Get Down With Your Dirt.
  3. Take out construction leftovers.
  4. Install wiring and power cords.
  5. Pick the right grass.
  6. Preparing New Construction for the Lawn.
  7. Seeding A New Lawn After Construction.
  8. DIY or Professional.

Where do I start when designing a backyard?

Start by planting trees or shrubs. Begin from the house and work outward. Remember to plan for the mature size of the trees and shrubs to avoid having to move them later, when they outgrow their space! Deciduous shrubs planted in front of evergreens will change the look seasonally.

How should I design my backyard?

11 Steps to a Better Backyard

  1. Build an arbor or a pergola.
  2. Add a walkway.
  3. Locate utilities before digging in.
  4. Know the mature size of a plant at planting time.
  5. Design primary paths to be at least 5 feet wide.
  6. Don’t crowd pathways or patios.
  7. Allow at least 3 feet of open space around patio furniture to ensure easy passage.

When should a new house be landscaped?

As a new homeowner, it is exciting to begin your plan for landscaping your property. However, whether the house is new or new to you, I highly recommend living in the house at least a full year before actually beginning any major projects.

How do you fix soil after construction?

There will need to be some tilling done to loosen compaction and to tie the two soil types together. Typically, the suggestion is just to work a couple of inches of amended soil into 4-6 inches of the existing soil to create this bond, then you can add however much of the amended soil you feel you need.

How do I add dirt to my yard?

Spread the soil using something flat, like the back side of a heavy garden rake, working it into aeration holes and covering low spots. Make sure the top-dressing is no more than 1” deep (preferably ½” or less) over the existing grass. Keep working the mixture until your grass peeks through and the depth is even.

Does fill dirt grow grass?

The grass will grow best through a sandy fill. Avoid heavy clay soil or high organic-matter soil mixes, such as many of the blended topsoil and garden soil mixes available. Lawn grass will not reliably grow up through more than about 2 inches of fill.

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