What is the correct way to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic?

What is the correct way to wear a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Choose a mask with two or more layers of washable, breathable fabric that completely covers your mouth and nose and fits snugly against the sides of your face, leaving no gaps. Do not wear a mask that is too loose on the sides. Do not pull the mask low on your nose, below your nose, or below your mouth or chin.

Why should masks cover your nose?

The primary purpose of a mask is to prevent your respiratory droplets from traveling to other people. Those droplets come from your nose and mouth so your mask should cover both of these areas and the perimeter of the mask should maintain tight contact with your face.

How to properly remove a face mask with ties and bands during the COVID-19 pandemic?

Face Mask with Ties: Untie the bottom bow first then untie the top bow and pull the mask away from you as the ties are loosened. Face Mask with Bands: Lift the bottom strap over your head first then pull the top strap over your head. Throw the mask in the trash. Clean your hands with soap and water or hand sanitizer.

which population would mask not be suitable during COVID-19 pandemic?

Wearing masks may be difficult for people with sensory, cognitive, or behavioral issues. Masks are not recommended for children under 2 or anyone who has trouble breathing or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the mask without assistance.

Why is it important to wear a mask over your nose during the COVID-19 pandemic?

New research suggests that a mask reduces the volume of germs the wearer breathes in, protecting the wearer from getting sick. So if you leave your nose uncovered, you’re breathing in more particles from the air around you, putting yourself at greater risk of catching COVID-19.

How should cloth face coverings worn at work be handled, stored, and washed during the coronavirus pandemic?

See full answerWhen wearing a cloth face covering, it should fit over the nose and mouth, fit snugly but comfortably against the side of the face, and be secured with ties or ear loops. The cloth face covering should allow the wearer to breathe without restriction.Employees should avoid touching their eyes, nose, or mouth as well as the inside or outside of the face covering while putting on, wearing, and removing it. When putting on and removing it, they should only touch the ties or ear loops.If storing the cloth face covering while at work, employees should place the used cloth face covering into a container or paper bag labeled with the employee’s name.Cloth face coverings should not be shared with others unless they are washed and dried first.

Can I get COVID-19 from touching the front of my face mask?

By touching the front of your mask, you might infect yourself. Don’t touch the front of your mask while you’re wearing it. After taking your mask off, it’s still not safe to touch the front of it. Once you’ve washed the mask in a normal washing machine, the mask is safe to wear again.

How do you properly take off and store a mask during the COVID-19 pandemic?

See full answerStore masks that are not wet or dirty in a paper bag You can store your mask temporarily to reuse later. Remove your mask correctly and wash your hands after touching a used mask. Keep it in a dry, breathable bag (like a paper or mesh fabric bag) to keep it clean between uses. When reusing your mask, keep the same side facing out. If you are taking off your mask to eat or drink outside of your home, you can place it somewhere safe to keep it clean, such as your pocket, purse, or paper bag. Make sure to wash or sanitize your hands after removing your mask. After eating, put the mask back on with the same side facing out. Be sure to wash or sanitize your hands again after putting your mask back on.

How often should reusable face masks be cleaned during COVID-19?

The CDC recommends reusable face masks be washed after each use and provides information on the cleaning of cloth face masks.

How does a surgical mask help to prevent contracting COVID-19?

If worn properly, a surgical mask is meant to help block large-particle droplets, splashes, sprays, or splatter that may contain germs (viruses and bacteria), keeping it from reaching your mouth and nose. Surgical masks may also help reduce exposure of your saliva and respiratory secretions to others.

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