What are the colors for LG?

What are the colors for LG?

The official colors of LG are lg red, lg grey, and white. LG logo colors represent sincerity, simplicity, and trustworthy.

What is the hex code for GREY?

The gray hex code is #808080.

What is white hex code?

RGB color table

HTML / CSS Name Hex Code #RRGGBB Decimal Code (R,G,B)
White #FFFFFF (255,255,255)
Red #FF0000 (255,0,0)
Lime #00FF00 (0,255,0)
Blue #0000FF (0,0,255)

What is the hex color code for Peru?

The color peru with hexadecimal color code #cd853f is a shade of orange. In the RGB color model #cd853f is comprised of 80.39% red, 52.16% green and 24.71% blue.

What is the Colour of algae?

color green
Algae usually are identified with the color green, but they actually occur in a great range of colors and hues, depending on the kind of algae and in some cases on the way they are grown. The colors are due to pigments (colored molecules) within individual cells.

Is Thistle a color?

Thistle is a very pale shade of purple with the hex code #D8BFD8, first used as a color name in English in 1892. The thistle is the national flower of Scotland, and induction into The Order of the Thistle is Scotland’s most illustrious state decoration.

What color is the flag of Peru?

vertically striped red-white-red national flag; when displayed by the government, it incorporates the national coat of arms in the centre. The flag has a width-to-length ratio of 2 to 3.

Are algae different colors?

So, different algae have different colors because they have different pigments that absorb different wavelengths of light (and thus reflect different wavelengths). Water absorbs the longer red to yellow wavelengths of light to a much greater degree than the blue-green wavelengths.

What is responsible for different colors of algae?

Beginning in the 1830s, algae were classified into major groups based on colour—e.g., red, brown, and green. The colours are a reflection of different chloroplast pigments, such as chlorophylls, carotenoids, and phycobiliproteins.

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